@Golden State Warriors

Once the starters are back, there is no way Kuminga can rack up DNP’s while Wiseman gets consistent minutes each game. Unfortunately, I don’t think you can play them both at the same time with the bench mob because they will both make young mistakes. Want to see Kuminga at the 4 and J Green at the 5

Once the starters are back, there is no way Kuminga can rack up DNP’s while Wiseman gets consistent minutes each game. Unfortunately, I don’t think you can play them both at the same time with the bench mob because they will both make young mistakes. Want to see Kuminga at the 4 and J Green at the 5

by LoveoftheGame30


  1. Unfair-Worker929

    Kuminga played a great game tonight, proud of him.

  2. MotoMkali

    Jamychal is absolutely dogshit. Wiseman should easily play over him at least he offers finishing

  3. illestchosen

    at least wiseman hasnt played 50 games yet, why is JMG making as many stupid mistakes as him? theres no excuse

  4. sooshbag69

    Can’t believe some of you watched that game and think JMG should even get playing time….

  5. Oh_no_bros

    I think he’s more likely to take JMGs minutes based on position. For Wiseman I’d like to cut down his minutes until he learns how to stop fighting for position in bad areas and instead screen, re-screen, roam and find opportunities. No more being rewarded PNR possessions if you aren’t helping making them beneficial

  6. Vallerie_09

    Jonathan does a lot of good stuff until he starts forcing his offense in the post/drives. Goes for bad possessions and TOs. He should not be in the doghouse

  7. AllInBig

    Lol at this subreddit hopping on kuminga bandwagon after one game. I’ll rather die on wiseman sinking ship then see JK and Green playing the backcourt. That’s disaster waiting to happen

  8. johnjohn2214

    What makes him a 4 in today’s NBA? 6’7 twitchy athlete who weighs 210-215 pounds. No huge wingspan or big hands, not a unique rebounder. On the other hand he is lightning quick, great first step, has great slashing abilities some passing potential and some moves from mid-range, post. Not being a knock-down shooter is not a reason to make someone a big. Tonight played many minutes at the 3 and looked pretty good for someone iced on the bench for so long. He definitely did not look like the 10th-11th player on this roster.

  9. Why are only Kuminga and Wiseman called out for these “young mistakes” while everyone else get a pass? Do JMG mistakes don’t counts because he’s a vets? Dude has been stinking it up game after game yet the fear is always about these young mistakes.

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