@Dallas Mavericks

Christian Wood reaction to being benched

Saw this live when Dwight Powell was subbed in for Wood he definitely felt some sort of way. Don’t want to look too much into it but wanted to know y’all’s opinion. I think he’s a formidable offensive player and we should keep him.


by RafaMarciano


  1. armandocalvinisius

    *preparing my trade machine*

    tbh, he will be useful af package with our bad contract like Bertans for example :p

    pump up your trade value wood! get stats, get win, get fat ass contract here or somewhere :”)

  2. To be fair. I (and most people in this sub) also want him to play more. I really don’t understand why Kidd refuses to give him 30+ minutes, he is literally our 2nd best offensive player and everyone was talking about him as a 2nd star for the Mavs, yet we don’t play him.

    Also, one of the biggest concerns about Wood after the trade was his attitude and not playing him is certainly not going to help our case.

    Lastly, I know that Powell has been playing really well in this past games and he deserves the props for that, but giving him more minutes than Wood is absurd.

  3. decadentrebel

    Wood was upset because the benching happened on the next dead ball **immediately** after a [defensive miscue by him]( He was sure the sub was going to happen next that he looked to be pleading his case on the sidelines (I’ll need to find a clip, it’s really telling) up until he was on the way there to check out and Theo went on damage control by meeting him.

    The overreactions appear to be shared across the coaching staff too, watch Sean Sweeney and Dudley specifically. There was a part wherein [Achiuwa had THJ on the block]( and Wood had an opportunity to maybe get a block because of the poor Raps spacing but chose to half-heartedly contest because of OJ(?) on the wing.

    Basically, they seem to dislike Wood a lot. Like just one small defensive lapse and it’s something unforgivable.

  4. IukaskywaIker

    I’m starting to think that the Mavs just want a center/big that don’t need plays ran for them and are just plainly defenders/screeners/rollers/3 pt shooters— which is stupid and I hope is just my imagination.

  5. DoncicsRoadTo200kg

    THJ can chuck a million bricks and Maxi can do a Ben Simmons near the rim + step out of bounds 2 times when catching the ball and they will keep getting minutes in the clutch over Wood…

    I dont understand how Wood is not playing more, yes he screws up defensively every once in a while but hes our 2nd best player on offense behind Luka, Kidd needs to stop being an idiot and let him cook, such an oldhead coach mentality wich could ruin a great player.

  6. He made a mistake on defense. He still don’t know what to do a lot of times on defense and that’s why he’s not playing more. That should improve during the season

  7. botebote77

    i know it’s still too early, but I’ve kind of accepted we will lose him in FA

  8. ProfitVisible9776

    Holy hell the overreactions and analyzing every single detail is crazy. He was pissed at himself for screwing up on defense a few times and knew he was about to get benched for it. This doesn’t mean the coaches hate him or he is getting traded. They’ve made it so incredibly clear that they won’t just hand him 35 mins a night until he consistently puts in the effort/makes the right rotations on defense which right now he isn’t doing. If anything they’re putting him in the best position to succeed scoring against backups and having very little responsibility on defense.

  9. Beneficial-Hour-9865

    Bruh, he had 2 breakdowns that entire game.

    It is not cool to overreact to one possession. Wood was not bad defensively today.

  10. Beneficial-Hour-9865

    Wood is bad as an off ball defender, yes. But man, his on ball defense is super under valued. He stays in front of guards for fun out there and then stone walls them at the rim. Yes, he gets lost but you have to let him play through this (maybe not against the raptors but against a worse team).

    We are letting THJ chuck ridiculous shots and Maxi do the best Ben Simmons impression out there, even Luka was bad on defence vs the Jazz (much better tonight, great actually). Let’s have some consistency here, Wood deserves more minutes.

  11. AceBricka

    I really want to know what are the plans for Christian Wood because I don’t think they align with his plans at all. It seems the Mavs see him as more of a strict roleplayer and not even as a 6th man which I doubt he wants no matter how much the Mavs win since it’s his contract year. If that’s the case, hopefully they trade him by the deadline cuz this man is gone.

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