@San Antonio Spurs

Joshua Primo's Accuser Speaks Out On Alleged Misconduct

Former San Antonio Spurs first round pick Joshua Primo has been accused of exposing himself on multiple occasions to former Spurs team psychologist Dr. Hillary Cauthen. Rick Strom breaks it down. Give us your thoughts in the comments below!

Rick Strom


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  1. I hope this is true if it's damn Primo you messed big time.
    At least he's admitted he's issue. N this is whenever you do therapy is better to record

  2. Something seems odd about this one and I cannot put my finger on it. I won't be surprised if her description of the events is accurate and the allegations are true, but the way the spurs are approaching this seems a bit out of the ordinary if that's the case. So I'm just wondering if there's something going on here that's being depicted in a misleading way. I suppose we'll find out the Spurs officially explanation at some point, and if it's inadequate that will be a pretty big problem. Either way this is serious shit

  3. What really looks bad is that promo they put out featuring Josh Richardson and Josh Primo. Looked like an exciting duo.

  4. Just another entitled kid doing whatever he wants cuz he talented….the Spurs team is a disgrace as is that player and his attorney for trying to insinuate it’s about race and that she lied…but tbh no surprise

  5. Popovitch: we won't be answering any questions

    Reporter: What if I added the word "emotionally"?

    Pop: No. I'm Gregg Popovitch. I'm too legendary.

  6. Was she let go before this or after? If before this is payback. Okay N B A, I understand that these are supposed to be closed sessions, but hey to protect everyone y’all need to video all sessions! I don’t care if it’s a supposed private sessions but it’s not private it y’all get reports on said sessions, so technically you can record them!

  7. He does these sick things because the higher ups do all they can to protect him. Humble his punk ass and fire him.

  8. OK, but let me ask you this, IF A CRIME HAD TAKEN PLACE WHY DID SHE NOT GO TO THE POLICE AND CUT TIES IMMEDIATELY???🤔 Why did she wait then file a lawsuit to get money rather than go to police so he goes to jail so he doesn't hurt anyone else. Also 9 times this allegedly happened. So what happened after the first, second, third, fourth, FIFTH, SIXTH, SEVENTH!!! Do I really need to continue. She is simply after money and got a lawyer that with little evidence gets women who may be lying paid and most guys settle out of court so they aren't publicly shamed. This guy is a teenager having his character destroyed

  9. Turning 18 doesn’t suddenly trigger a shift from child to adult. From a biological standpoint, a 19 year old male is an adolescent. Rather than going after him, the focus (and responsibility) should be on those who stand to profit off of his talent and have chosen to prioritize those profits over both his personal development as well as this woman’s trauma.
    Being victimized does not necessarily entail a predatory perpetrator committing an act of intentional abuse.
    This is why we do not jail toddlers for biting or press assault charges against anyone who might bump into us on the sidewalk.

  10. Looks like that there was that old privalege athelete mind set of "boys will be boys". If a not so talented 19 year old acted like Primo did people would be yelling for him to be jailed.

  11. 9 times and you still was treating him? She needs her fckn head examined 😵‍💫🤯 Buzbe is her lawyer so you already know she a lying BEE-OCH . There is a racial war against Black athletes in the Media.

  12. Everyone defend Primo is totally overlooking the facts in this case. I hope Josh admits his wrongdoing and gets help. We need to start teaching boys better.

  13. She witnessed the rising of one impressive "Alabama Black Snake"

    You can't tell me that something hanging out ones shorts cannot be averted by grabbing g a towel to cover it or tell h to make an adjustment.

    What happened here as that the giant member was an obedient soldier and stood erect and ready to go.

    This would make any white woman have nightmares and haunted wet dreams. She is ashamed thst she don't want her boyfriend/ husband anymore. Now she lost her job with the NBA team and all her world is crashing down on her. Of course she is brought to tears on the podium
    She never got to test drive that horse
    She is no longer banking the big money.

    She has to deal with some dweeb who doesn't know a thing on how to please a woman and now she is being judged in the media one way or another. She should have done her homework and I know that there are many chapters in psychology courses that deal with sexual feelings between patient and client.

    She would still have this account and making big money if she just put a Kung fu grip on his mushroom tip

  14. Was she in the locker room when the genitals we're exposed? Maybe he was changing clothes for or after a game. I don't know , can't trust too many white people nowadays. Don't know if they're part of the right wing lunies.

  15. U got signed to 12.5 Ms y even be in a situation like this with a 40 year old unattractive women and you can buy any women you desire these niggas be predators on the low

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