@National Basketball Association

Lebron James addresses the Net’s situation: “..I hope he understands what he [Kai] did and the actions that he took are just harmful to a lot of people. I really didn’t get too much into it too much. But, I understand that when you’re hurting anybody, I understand that. That is common sense.”

Question: We haven’t heard much from the players around the league about Kyrie Irving’s social media posts and subsequent comments. Why do you think that is?

>”I can tell you this, its simple. Me personally, I don’t condone any hate to any kind. To any race. To Jewish Communities, to Black communities, to Asian communities. You guys know where I stand. And that’s part of the reason why I didn’t air The Shop Episode, why we kicked that out of archives. Because it was hate conversation going on there. And I don’t represent that. There’s no place in the world for it. Nobody can benefit from that and I believe from that and I believe what Kyrie did caused some harm to a lot of people. And he has since, over the last – I think it was today, or yesterday- he apologized. But he caused some harm and I think it’s unfortunate. But I don’t stand on the position to harm people when it doesn’t matter what color your skin is, how tall are you, what position you’re in. If you are promoting or soliciting or saying harmful things to any community that harms people, then I don’t respect it. I don’t condone it.”

Question: What could be a resolution for Irving to get past his current suspensions with the Nets and Nike?

>I don’t know. Because at the end of the day, Kyrie is his own man. He stands up in front of the media and speaks. He is a man and from a great family. He’s a great…. I love the kid. He’s not even a kid anymore, hes 30. I was like, thats insane.
I dont know the direction, the steps that he takes but he’s apologized for what he said and I hope he understands that what he said was harmful to a lot of people. And we as humans, none of us are perfect, but I hope he understands what he did and the actions that he took are just harmful to a lot of people. I really didn’t get too much into it too much. But, I understand that when you’re hurting anybody, I understand that. That is common sense.

[Full transcript](

by ILoveMasterYi


  1. ILoveMasterYi

    For those who were wondering about the Shop episode: Lebron and team took down the episode with Kanye.

  2. Even though it’s the bare minimum, good on him for calling it out.

  3. Stallion049

    “Lebron, as a father figure, how disappointed are you in Kyrie?”

  4. rostron92

    >I love the kid. He’s not even a kid anymore, hes 30. I was like, thats insane.

    His sons all grown up

  5. kirphioc2004

    Lebron to Kyrie, “I’m not mad, i’m just disappointed”.

  6. doctorstrangesintern

    So Lebron is the only current player to speak out and give a long winded answer but I guarantee this sub still finds a way to hate him and say he didn’t say enough. If any other player said this you guys would be jizzing in your pants praising them Lmaoooo

  7. bigflagellum

    He kept it really political but he said enough. I’m happy with it and it’s more than I expected – a concerned Jew

  8. The witchfinders are out looking for any hint of witches. Lebron is taking a huge risk by saying anything. Because if his statement isn’t juuuuuuuuust right he’ll be deemed a witch too and subject to being burned alive.

  9. This is huge. There’s a ton of NBA players that actually agree with Kyrie let alone other athletes from different sports but let’s keep this basketball.

  10. CallMeBruceGold

    I wish it came sooner, but I like it!

  11. AthKaElGal

    imagine if Bron came out in support of Kyrie. the league would be caught in a rock and hard place. i don’t think they’d have theballs to suspend Bron.

  12. PsychologicalGolf814

    Can’t believe Lebron’s giving me a reason to not hate on him

  13. Lebron was Kyrie’s teammate at his best, sky was the limit for him then. It must hard watching your friend that you share some many wonderful memories with go down this path.

  14. robinThicc9

    I’m glad LeBron said something. More players should as well and maybe they will now that he’s said something.

  15. Curious_North_8479


  16. Good on Bron. He’s a leader in the active NBA community and his words carry a lot of weight.

  17. Biggest issue is common sense. Kyrie continually demonstrates poor common sense

  18. Inevitable_Week_8626

    Good job LeBron.
    That quote where he called Kyrie a kid only to say damn he ain’t no kid he’s 30. Lmao

  19. LogicisGone

    He’s come a long way since China/Morey. This is exactly the kind of reaponse you’d hope to hear from a leader. Good on him.

  20. This has a surprisingly low amount of upvotes I wonder why lmao

  21. PCB4lyfe

    I’m just glad kd wants to move past it. Although I wonder how he would feel if some races were reversed, if he would still be so eager to move past it without actual contrition.

  22. Really glad he said this, it was important for someone to say something and coming from bron it means more

  23. This has been the best response from an active player since this all started. I’m a bonafide Lebron hater but I have an immense amount of respect for him. I appreciate he understands his stature in the world and that he has huge influence and acted with it responsibly. It really shows his separation from a lot of ego driven stars and at his stature it’s truly impressive and something to aspire to.

  24. angel2timez

    Lol sub was going crazy for a retweet but somehow this isn’t good enough for too many in this thread. It’s also pretty impressive the same people can only bring up China after a 20 year career to prove Lebron is some kind of terrible human being or whatever

  25. I’ve been critical of LeBron but I have to give credit here. This is a bit convoluted but at least he’s pointing out what Kyrie did was wrong.

  26. Slacker_75

    *Except Hong Kong. Fuck them for fucking with my bank account*

  27. MonstaZero

    Lmao, this is actually being downvoted. Y’all a trip

  28. LMkingly

    This sub is funny sometimes. Earlier a mere retweet gets 15.5K upvotes and circle jerked to all hell but Lebron actually speaking out(the only player to do so btw)can’t even get 900 upvotes. If this was any other player this thread would have blown up lol.

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