@Golden State Warriors

WTF Is Wrong With The Warriors?

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  1. I think with klay his role throughout the years has changed a lot. And I think draymond is playing like he pouting about not getting paid

  2. Poole is a 1 way player, Wiseman is not ready and doesn't fit the Warriors system, JMG has been bad for a big that supposedly hit 3s. Warriors need 2 way players that can screen/pass and hit a open 3 off the bench that's it

  3. With their track record, it’s too soon to make judgement. Let’s see how they look at the trade deadline.

  4. I think ppl r getting on the Warriors too quickly. I think what Kerr is doing is using this regular season as a way to develop his team, he is sacrificing a good record for more development of the bench and depth of the team, which will probably pay off in the playoffs, maybe not this year, but u can expect the warriors to make a deep run any time these next 5 years.

  5. Its very simple actually the fouls are awful, poole is forcing things and the biggest of all the wiseman minutes are killing us. He is useless

  6. I mean…it hasn’t even been 10 games yet. I will say James Wiseman looks like an all time bust tho

  7. i blame jordan poole aint no body worried bout a player who is great at putting the ball on the floor and getting his own shots. especially when he taking shots from deep and mid range and in the paint not to mention in the face from his wife dredre

  8. warriors are at lebron level at cavs play great quality when it counts they are not getting any younger thats recovery champion teaams peak when it matters in a season call it load management

  9. Winning a championship is a big chore. It is even harder the following year because all 30 teams want to beat you.

  10. I feel the Warriors will be fine in the long run, not the 1 seed but maybe 3 or 4. The young guys not making the massive leap yet isn't helping, they will get better it will just take some more time. Biggest things are going to be that Draymond, Steph, and Klay have a lot of miles on their bodies and Klay has had about the worse injuries you can get as a ball player. Credit to them for getting that chip last year, but it isn't really fair or smart to expect that trio to keep being good at the level they have been.
    Klay is not the same player he was (again really bad leg injury will do that) and I don't see that improving. So yeah, this feels like the true beginning of the end of the Warriors dynasty.

  11. kununinga or wisemen for buddy heild and myles turner, who says no?

  12. I think Jacob switched the problems on this one. Yeah, Klay has been shooting TERRIBLE, but the play he showed against the Magic is a mistake that happens few and far between on the starting lineup, a hiccup if you will. The Warriors starting lineup is basically the best starting lineup in the NBA numbers wise – including having the best Defensive Rating among Starting Lineups. The problem of the bench is the really, REALLY huge one, as JP is the only one providing offense, and doing it inneficiently, while the other subs have lackluster defense.

    The thing is, this was expected. There's a reason for Kerr to be putting Moody on the point of attack constantly when he doesnt have the physical tools like Kuminga: they want to put them in trial by fire. Nobody that isnt a lunatic thought their defense would be as good as it was last season putting 2nd year players instead of Porter and GP2 – what the Warriors are banking on is that, at the end of this conundrum, the young guys are going to be way better than they are right now. The real question is if the Warriors are willing to pay that price, because no team whatsoever is going to trade two good role players for any one of GSW young guys, not even tanking teams, and they could be facing be one of the lower seeds on the playoff bracket.

  13. Klay's somehow taking worse and more difficult shots than he did in his prime, lol.

  14. Honestly I don't know how people overrate their young core too much when outside of Poole and Wiggins if you consider him "young" at this point they haven't really contributed nor impacted on any significant game thus far, they were barely even being played in contrast to other young players.

  15. Let’s just pull a Celtics fan and say our best player was “injured”

  16. I think the Warriors will be fine. The regular season doesn't matter to teams like this because they want to be as fresh as possible for the playoffs. They are playing their young guys a lot so that they can be seasoned when it's all said and done.

  17. That last year before klay went down he lowkey had a bag, even if the numbers didn't necessarily show it. He watched everyone play for two back to back injuries and probably just wanted to get is chance to be that player again. Plus he shot chucks a lot due to minute restrictions, and less hands on opportunities with Poole and Wiggs.

  18. It's just Kerr experimenting with lineups this early in the season. But it's true that winning early would be nice, since you'll get a comfortable lead going into the all-star.

    Still not a good idea to lose to tanking teams tho.

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