@Golden State Warriors

It’s good to see Wiseman being more active in moving his hands to alter or block shots instead of keeping his arms up straight

It’s good to see Wiseman being more active in moving his hands to alter or block shots instead of keeping his arms up straight

by MillyMan105


  1. Bluestring35

    Of he does that they will call a foul on him 😡

  2. MadWalrus

    Thanks for posting this – I know a lot of fans are doomers on Wise, but watching his games he is getting better every time. Still not great, or even good but he is getting better every game with a long runway ahead of him. We believe!

  3. TheRed_Knight

    but but but but hes the worst player according to RAPTOR!!!!! Stats are also just a reflection of his poor performance!!!! His tape sucks too!!!!!!!!/s

  4. SCalifornia831

    Wiseman should be selective of the mentorship he gets from Green and Looney – 95% of what they teach him will be correct but neither one of those guys has his size and athleticism.

    Green and Looney are physical and can gain an advantage by absorbing contact, going vertical and smothering their opponents…where Wiseman needs to operate with space and close the gap with his length until he’s strong enough body early and push players off their spots

    Ie I’d like to see him defend more like Gobert than Green right now

  5. Sika8794

    I feel kinda sad for him. Every time he tries to contest for a offensive board they call some ticky tack foul on him and he gets discouraged and plays like ass

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