@Utah Jazz

Season’s greetings, Jazz fans! What do y’all miss the most about Donovan Mitchell? Top-voted comment can have this card if they want it!

Season’s greetings, Jazz fans! What do y’all miss the most about Donovan Mitchell? Top-voted comment can have this card if they want it!

by nomoreshiny


  1. JoeIngles

    Damn love the card! I’ve been collecting his cards since he was a rook.

    I miss how much he tried to make Utah better. He really questioned us and was very vocal about how the state needed to be improved.

    On the court his insane baseball passes were so fun

  2. roofilopolis

    The ridiculous way he’d twist and maneuver his body when driving. The way he’s move didn’t seem natural.

  3. Antelope-Subject

    Free shoes if he would throw you a pair


    He was genuine. I’ll miss that about Rudy also. Thanks Spida! Go Jazz!!

  5. No-Albatross6481

    His signature dunk that got him his nickname.

  6. ProZac52

    Watching him torch Russ and Playoff P as a Rookie and thinking to myself we’ve got a future All-Pro on our hands who loves the city.

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