@Toronto Raptors

Goran posts a picture shushing the crowd, after a loss to the Raptors

Goran posts a picture shushing the crowd, after a loss to the Raptors

by platformsbeyond


  1. baconperogies

    This guy just thrives on the negativity.

  2. PlumCantaloupe


    This is why the Raps’ fans keep booing him.

    It works.

  3. Nickischubb24

    Someone teach him the difference between wins and loses

  4. XLcondumb

    I’ll never understand Heat fans boner for this guy

  5. AccountSave

    Bruh y’all take this shit so seriously. Bro gets boo’d, he’s gonna feel a type of way and post something. Whatever, who cares?

    I wish people just forgot about him lmao

  6. I mean he did play well, the loss wasn’t on him

  7. henry_why416

    This dude is a grown man trolling 15 year Olds….

  8. doublegg83

    I think his psychiatrist told him to take this approach.

    Hope it works for him.

    Proof he’s not a team guy.

  9. amydancepants

    Dragic knows he’s irrelevant, so he leans into the hate because – why not? Lmao

  10. MDequation

    Dude get over it.. no one cares about you anymore. All I see is an irrelevant player trying to stay relevant.

  11. RealCanadianDragon

    Bulls vs Raptors playoff series will be fun if it happens.

  12. mantistobogganmMD

    I don’t understand this subs hate boner for this guy. He’s just trolling us at this point.

    Like he was never even a good enough player to be a difference maker for us, why waste perfectly good hate energy on him?

  13. No_Brilliant5888

    It’s one thing to do this in the moment (before the result of the game was known). But posting this layer out of the moment after a loss? Strange.

  14. YoShI6973

    you know his delusional ass thinks he got one up on us yesterday

  15. He’s tryna get ad revenue from his page and y’all going on his page getting played. Smh

  16. agentzero2020

    This guy is just a straight clown. I have zero respect for him.

  17. FormerlyShawnHawaii

    Goran is the real life meme of the guy celebrating and drinking champagne on the 4th place podium lol

  18. sinova6ix

    I like how our fanbase and this guy are eternally linked now. This guy likes our fanbase low key he likes being the villain haha. He’s fully embraced it.

  19. Amazing. You can tell it affects him through posts like these. He’s clearly proud of his play in a LOSS. I’m sure the folks in Chicago are thrilled.

  20. kitch1023

    I wish more guys would do this. We need more great villains. Remember when NJ Nets Vince would come back and torch us? Those games would be circled on every fans calendar and their was so much energy in what would have otherwise been a ho hum game. Dragic isn’t on that level, but it’s still fun to see him give a shit enough to do all this. Makes beating him even more fun, doesn’t it?

  21. Kamdog11

    He’s such a petty loser. He realizes he made a mitosis by not staying in Toronto and being a part in winking culture, so he is instead doubling down on his mistake.

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