@New York Knicks

Did Randle’s defense lose us the Boston game?

Did Randle’s defense lose us the Boston game?

by WorldWideBeats


  1. Top-Lettuce3956

    I’ve read the article. Summary for those that aren’t subscribers. Guy who hates Randle and said right before the season started that the Knicks top priority needed to be trading Randle says that guy who scored 29 admittedly efficient points should have played less minutes so guy who was -22 while on the court and 3 for 9 from the field – and 1 for 5 from the 3 – could get more minutes.

    Then he points out bad defense by lots of players but says Randle worst.

    However, given Randle’s 29 points, he can’t say Randle cost the Knicks the game, but he’d like to anyway.

  2. knicks911

    He’s a lazy defender. Randle is a good player when his motor is constant.

  3. Cautious-Ad-9554

    No. He was really good on offense so I don’t think it would be fair at all to say he lost us the game. He helped. That said he wasn’t good on the other end

  4. I think it was giving up a billion 3’s…. I could be wrong

  5. spaceninj

    Man, I really thought this place would get better with Randle playing better, but now singlehandedly blaming him for games?

    When he’s gone, I wonder you all will blame next.

  6. ShoudveStayedHome

    He’s dogshit but apparently the Suns will want them because….no one in their organization stays up to watch Knicks games i guess?

  7. kennymiscellaneous

    People will look at this and still say but he scored X amount of points and grabbed X amount of rebounds.

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