@Los Angeles Lakers

AD ghosting after halftime 😶‍🌫️

AD ghosting after halftime 😶‍🌫️

by RMS23LA


  1. We need a real center so he doesn’t have to do all the defensive assignments and is able to put more focus on the offensive side later in games

  2. quwin123

    I honestly think he gets tired after playing great defense and banging with opposing big men so much. He was the only big guy out there fighting with Mobley, Allen and Love. That would be tough for anyone. Also he’s paired with Westbrook a lot and spacing in those lineups is really poor. Hard for him to operate in a packed paint.

    Let’s get Turner and Theis (and Hield) in here ASAP to help with this.

  3. kiwiwikikiwiwikikiwi

    Been an issue with him since 2019-2020. Great half but can’t keep it up. Some of it is coaching adjustments, others it’s him not demanding the ball more.

    But I do believe we must get another center to ease him up on the paint. AD cannot be forced to play vs centers and power forwards 24/7.

    If he’s made of glass, then Damian Jones, Bryant, and Gabriel are made of paper. Ridiculous that Rob saw the height and didn’t account to the weight/mass of a center to help AD. So desperate I might even go with Dwight again tbh

  4. AD is gonna come out today and have 45, shut everyone up…
    …..and then disappear for the next to games again.

  5. hansislegend

    Playing both side of the floor for a whole half is probably exhausting. Especially if you don’t have shooters and other teams can clog the paint.

  6. ForeignArt4985

    He signed a shooting coach but shooting at 23% and his mid range is ugly. Something changed since the bubble.

  7. habitremedy

    What’s really happening is we are going from running plays on about half of our possessions to playing almost entirely pickup. Idk if that’s entirely on Ham or if the point guards are trying to push the freelance too much but it’s a problem. Our sets feature AD well and we need to use them

  8. SirThixcksAlot

    Lakers center rotation is AD and like 10 minutes of Wenyen Gabriel. Even with some back issues he’s been an all nba defender. He’s been their best player this season. They need to get another rotation level big before AD gets run into the ground.

  9. TorontoRaptors34

    AD needs to cut his hair go back to his prime look.

  10. ZookeepergameOk3001

    This dude escaped last two season without any knock.

    Coaches, FO, and players took a lot heat for his play.

    I hope he steps up and shows out again- we can’t afford a declining 29y/o.

    Maybe the back injury is messing with him after the break but whatever it is, we need him.

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