@National Basketball Association

[Cotton] Josh Giddey on Ben Simmons: “People forget Ben’s an All-Star, he is one of the best players in the league. I’m excited for what he can do and hopefully soon we can be a part of the Boomers together and help Australia win a gold medal.”

> Giddey said he’d “spoken a little bit” to Simmons during the early parts of the season, but called for patience for the three-time All-Star to get back to his best form.

> “He was dealing with some stuff with Philly and now has a fresh start in Brooklyn,” Giddey said. “People forget Ben’s an All-Star, he is one of the best players in the league. He’s obviously going to need time to find his feet again, he hasn’t played for a long time in the NBA.”

> “I’m excited for what he can do and hopefully soon we can be a part of the Boomers together and help Australia win a gold medal.”

Do you think Ben will be healthy/care about basketball enough to compete this summer, or will his back tighten up on him again?


by iksnet



    Didnt he blow off austrialia to recover mentally from sixers fans?

  2. lambopanda

    I don’t think Ben care about representing Australia.

  3. KingMonaco

    Didn’t Simmons never accepted to play for Australia?

  4. mikeking2134

    Josh must not know he doesn’t want to play basketball

  5. >he is one of the best players in the league

    Which league?

  6. rahbee33

    Other than wearing the occasional yellow and green shoe colorway I don’t think he’s ever hinted at actually wanting to represent Australia. Even after Patty made a big deal about it last summer.

  7. warboner65

    Subtle superior Aussie flex. Good on ya, Joshy boy.

  8. rSlashNbaAccount

    Simmons’ cares about Australian team as much as Kyrie.

  9. KarrlMarrx

    I mean Presti will eat Ben’s contract if the Nets can track down some first round picks to attach.

  10. nutsack22

    Ben Simmons forgot that Ben Simmons is an all star

  11. supermegabussin

    People forget because he WAS an all star. He’s not an all star now.

  12. Damn y’all really don’t do anything but hate shit is crazy

  13. OldladyFartJar

    If you have to remind people that someone’s an all-star, maybe they’re not an all-star

  14. One Australian player who can’t shoot talking up another Australian player who can’t shoot.

    They both suck.

  15. kekehippo

    Josh Giddey forgets which Ben Simmons he’s talking about.

  16. TallanoGoldDigger

    you guys are laughing now, but don’t forget that the next Olympics are in Paris, which is heaven for a Young Socialite^(®️) like Mr. Simmons

  17. I wish I could fuck up at my job for years at a time and still have people blindly believe in me like Ben does.

  18. AestheticPenguinMan

    I mean, former all star. No one is talking about Carmelo is an all star, Westbrook is an all star.

  19. shittydotamorph

    Love how all the Australians back him mindlessly.

  20. beatrailblazer

    he’s quite literally been one of the worst players in the league this year

  21. onamonapizza

    Ben WAS an All-Star, just like Aaron Rodgers WAS an MVP.

    World keeps turning, people

  22. notatowel420

    Ben is barley a G leaguer at this point. Who cares about the past.

  23. Otherwise_Window

    Meanwhile, the guys who actually trained with him the last time he turned to the national team: “ugh fuck that guy”

  24. HereComesJustice

    man I can’t believe we’re already at the ‘He was an All Star, so he can’t be bad!’ stage of Ben’s career already wow

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