@Boston Celtics

NBPA is expected to appeal Kyrie Irving’s suspension from the Brooklyn Nets

NBPA is expected to appeal Kyrie Irving’s suspension from the Brooklyn Nets

“I’m expecting the NBPA to appeal the suspension from Brooklyn. The terms, etc., that went into his return. The terms for his return, they seem like a lot, and a lot of the players expressed discomfort with the terms.”

NBPA VP Jaylen Brown on Kyrie Irving

(via @GwashburnGlobe)


This is a petty bad look for the players association PR wise but as a union they also must feel a duty to fight for their members.

by Luka77GOATic


  1. Luka77GOATic

    Jaylen Brown to @GWashburnGlobe:

    “I don’t believe Kyrie Irving is antisemitic. I don’t think people in our governing bodies think he’s antisemitic. He made a mistake.”

  2. JaylenBrownFlow

    nbpa is gonna appeal this always non story

  3. Sportsballisfun

    This is what Union’s do this is a non story

  4. Itsmagiik

    I understand that it’s the NBPA’s job to stick up for players regardless of what happens but this feels like it could lead to big arguments within the group of people working for the NBPA. What would a Jewish nba player have to say about being a member of the NBPA and having them stick up for someone like Kyrie who has shown numerous times he doesn’t care enough to disavow anti semetic speech and even promotes it himself. Just a horrible situation that still shouldn’t be happening in 2022.

  5. musicbufff

    Feels a lot like CYA/SOP in a politically-correct climate/milieu, but as long as he and the league learn(s) or move(s) closer to ‘Hate is not good’ then this will be a win.

  6. The Union is always gonna advocate for leniency against players, no matter what. I have no doubt more than a few of them don’t think Kyrie deserves the suspension but this was always gonna be their next step.

  7. I sort of agree with Brown and the NBPA here. Yea everybody is sick of Kyrie’s shit, but that list of requirements they came up with for Kyrie is sort of unprecedented and made up. Can’t blame players for wanting to be treated fairly according to their contractual obligations. I like that the Nets are finally standing up to his tirades, but business wise I see nothing wrong with the NBPA protecting their own pockets.

  8. I agree that the requirements are a bit much. Whatever BKN does, they need to make sure they 100% trust he won’t speak on it again before he comes back.

  9. basement_zombie

    While I personally applaud the Nets for requiring something of this nature for his reinstatement, I simultaneously acknowledge they are very unlikely to be able to legally maintain those requirements.

    I’ve felt all along that Brooklyn doesn’t expect him to be willing to complete all of them, and therefore this gives them an easy ‘out’ for being rid of him. ‘Ahh see? We’d have him back, but he chose to not comply…’

    That’s weak sauce IMO, and the Nets should simply cut him to be done with it and earn a small amount of credibility as a franchise.

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