@National Basketball Association

NBPA is expected to appeal Kyrie Irving’s suspension from the Brooklyn Nets

NBPA is expected to appeal Kyrie Irving’s suspension from the Brooklyn Nets

“I’m expecting the NBPA to appeal the suspension from Brooklyn. The terms, etc., that went into his return. The terms for his return, they seem like a lot, and a lot of the players expressed discomfort with the terms.”

NBPA VP Jaylen Brown on Kyrie Irving

(via @GwashburnGlobe)


This is a petty bad look for the players association PR wise but as a union they also must feel a duty to fight for their members.

by Luka77GOATic


  1. whatdoidoidontkno

    How hard is it not to be anti semitic

  2. ChristianMan710

    Ahh boy….And lol at Jaylen Brown being the one to say this💀💀…I know he has position there but the irony is hilarious

    This is one of the reasons why the league was walking on egg shells. Kyrie is a member of the NBPA and has a lot of respect. I’d imagine a lot of players aren’t feeling how the Nets are punishing him and that list of demands that were handed to him

    It’s a bad look on us if we didn’t punish him for antisemitism. It’s a bad look on how harsh the punishment is cause now the NBPA steps in and it’s about to be them vs Brooklyn while Kyrie still here. We can’t win smh

    What was Joe Tsai supposed to do here? Somebody needs to ask Jaylen and whoever else.. *what were the nets suppose to do?* Suspend Kyrie for only 2 games? They would complain about that too. Antisemitism is serious Tsai and ownership had to be serious with this which is why the list, excessive as it might appear, was needed. They need to *know* that Kyrie won’t just take a few games suspension and come back saying the same foolishness. It’s not so much on NBPA. it’s the job of the union to protect their people I guess, but Jaylens side comments is probably how he personally feels too.

    Boston plays Memphis tonight, I hope jaylen is asked about this. I wanna hear his responses

  3. StefonDiggsHS

    That’s really sad if they do

    Oh yeah I forgot Jaylen Brown is vice president 💀💀

  4. SamCarter_SGC

    > they seem like a lot

    Meeting with leaders and completing some sensitivity training seems like the bare minimum to me… it’s been days, he could have done it by now.

  5. I know people are going to want to be mad, but that is their job.

    I am all in for punishing Kyrie but I can see why that list is excessive from the union point of view.

  6. Autocrat777

    > and a lot of the players expressed discomfort with the terms.”

    Poor Kyrie has to make some crocodile tears and stop being an anti-Semite for a week.

  7. SardonicSeraphim

    Lol ofc Jaylen goes to bat for him. Kyrie is basically his mentor.

  8. SimpatheticNS

    any union will fight on behalf of its members….as an RN i’ve seen nurses do something fireable/something that would get them disciplined and their union rep still puts up a fight. they have to. this isnt news or problematic at all

  9. Ticonderoga2HB

    Bruh, I just spent 3 hours doin mandatory employee compliance training videos for my part time teacher assistant job, and I haven’t even been in yet. They play at the highest level, and don’t wanna be held to the standards, it’s still a job

  10. grand_insom

    The Nets should fight this hard. Kyrie did a ton of damage last week.

  11. SlappyMcWaffles

    Doesn’t matter how you feel about Kyrie, the union must protect it’s members. This is expected and shouldn’t be blown up to unreasonable levels of discourse.

  12. GoodSamaritan_

    > The terms for his return, they seem like a lot, and a lot of the players expressed discomfort with the terms.”

    Let’s not mince words: Jaylen Brown is a piece of shit.

  13. Wishiwasaballerbaby

    Its what any union would do this a non story to those who are surprised you either have very little life experience or live in a fantasy land unions are always going to protect the people in them.

    Edit got my first suicide prevention for this comment how fucking strange some of you really need to join the real world.

  14. IMovedYourCheese

    NBA players are really ready to flush all of their social justice creds built over decades down the toilet over Kyrie fucking Irving.

  15. _canadianbacon

    This sort of punishment should actually be the standard for players that do this sort of stuff and not the exception

  16. IndianaBones11

    I don’t envy the job of the NBAPA defending a players right to be actively anti-Semitic

  17. Jaibosonic

    Can’t wait till the NBPA backs the first openly white supremacist nba player in the near future lol

  18. ZiOnIsNeXtLeBrOn

    Makes sense, but it is basically death with a million paper cuts.

    You are basically defending a racist. I wouldn’t take that action.

  19. husbandofsamus

    Something like “I’m sorry, but we have to appeal on behalf of any players, including Kyrie Irving” might work in terms of PR. But they should clearly indicate that they’re doing it out of obligation, not because they want to.

  20. Donger4Longer

    We are going to hear some strange fucking stories about this dude very shortly.

  21. TheAsianIsGamin

    I wonder what the bylaws/CBA say. Can a team suspend a player indefinitely/for a whole season for simply “conduct detrimental to the team”? If they can, then I would expect this appeal to fail. If they can do something without a reason, then the NBPA’s argument that the leagues reason sucks is irrelevant

  22. by_yes_i_mean_no

    The ADL should absolutely have no part in any terms of Kyrie’s return, their involvement will only make things worse.

  23. Of course they are and they should. Those in the position of authority always use unsympathetic to push the line. Ernesto Miranda was not a nice guy.

  24. CptnMoonlight

    Bruh it’s literally less time required than like alcohol diversion programs when you get a drinking ticket at college…. All he has to do is meet for an hour with a few Jewish people and apologize, mfs acting like he’s enslaved or something.

    And to those who say sum ‘it’s the 500k’…. **He already agreed to that trying to buy himself out of his bigotry**, and then the ADL said ‘we don’t want your money if it’s not sincere’.

  25. Tapprunner

    I would say they might have a (stupid) point, until Kyrie held his press availability where he sounded like he was blaming the Jews for the Holocaust. At that point, you’re spreading hatred of the Jews at work. It’s not just something bad you’re doing on your own time and on your own social media – you’re bringing your bigotry to work with you.


    Terrible, terrible, no good, awful look for the players association. Did they do this for Meyers Leonard?

  27. Man a lot of people here don’t understand unions. They dont have to help with everything, and if the members voted to not help kyrie they wouldn’t have to help him with jack shit. Sometimes a union has to decide it’s in it’s best interest to not help the guy who is bringing everyone else down. That is a sure fire way to piss off your members.

    A union rep is not a defense attorney, and they aren’t a labor lawyer either.

    I don’t really see how the union has much room to even help him here.

  28. leejoness

    The NBAPA is such a joke. These are the same goofballs that vote on something and then cry about it 16 months later.

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