@National Basketball Association

[NBA Official] Joel Embiid’s (PHI) common foul against Damion Lee (PHX) at 1:13 of the 3rd qtr on 11/7/22 has been upgraded to a Flagrant 1 upon league review.

[NBA Official] Joel Embiid’s (PHI) common foul against Damion Lee (PHX) at 1:13 of the 3rd qtr on 11/7/22 has been upgraded to a Flagrant 1 upon league review.

by Neuroxex


  1. MaxSmellerman

    Yikes doesn’t look great. Though I see tripping a lot in games and those are typically never flagrants


    Crazy they never reviewed this but stopped to review Damion’s tech.

  3. nowhathappenedwas

    Did they not review that during the game?

    Lee should have pulled a LeBron and stayed down until they agreed to review it.

  4. DynamixRo

    Damn, his first game of the season and he already got a Flagrant 1.

  5. SylvesterLundgren

    How do you see this foul in real time and deem it a common foul and THEN upgrade it the next day? There’s two officials there. There’s literally nothing else it could be but an intentional trip, which leads me to believe those officials don’t know that that’s supposed to be a flagrant.

    The fucking cherry on top is Embiid complaining MORE THAN DAMION LEE after he just flat out tripped an offensive player because he can’t control his body enough to actually close out a shooter properly.

  6. Existence_024

    It’s the soccer reflexes, totally unintentional

  7. saltface14

    Embiid and doing dirty shit when he’s frustrated, name a better duo 🙄

  8. grandmastakew

    This thread gonna turn into a raps vs 6ers hate fest haha.

    Cameroonian leg sweep.

  9. Bnicetowho11

    League should review the end of that warriors game and let it be decided by free throws at the start of the next kings game.

  10. mittornery

    This caused Cam johnson’s injury . 76ers should have to give us Maxey. Change my mind

  11. Ramelteon8mg

    This some Grayson allen type shit. Embiid will get a pass tho

  12. chadwalk

    Embiid is the dirtiest player in the league. Elbow dropped Cam Payne’s head during a rebound, stood under DA’s landing area while NOT contesting a rebound causing him to twist his ankle again, and this. Dude should actually try playing basketball instead of flopping around the court trying to bait fouls and diving at player’s knees, might actually win an MVP.


    Bruh I’ve got 0 fucking respect for these players constantly throwing their hands up in the air to the refs like “how the fuck is that a foul” in these situations. It’s like that’s their default reaction no matter what the situation does. Even Embid who blatantly kicks out and trips DLee is bewildered as to how they could possibly call him for a foul. It’s gross and disrespectful and it’s why officials don’t take the players seriously.

  14. Administrative_Brick

    Yet another clip for Embiid’s ever-growing dirty play compilation

  15. _canadianbacon

    This fucker is hurt all the time so to compensate he feels the need to try and hurt others

  16. EdoubleYT

    I love Joel’s game but Jesus… Embiid throwing his arms like he did nothing is what amazes me lol.. this isn’t some Sunday Night rec league where nobody is recording, there’s so many cameras/angles and he acts like he didn’t do shit. This is some Grayson Allen type of stuff.

  17. Nid0k1ng

    Idk wtf Embiid was thinking here but there is no defending this. I’ve been really disappointed with the way he has started this season and his general attitude on the court.

  18. daribro17

    What’s the point of giving him a flagrant now lol

  19. 30another

    This was the second time he tripped someone in the game too. The first wasn’t even called.

    E: Don’t remember what minute, but he tripped Payne after the whistle when Payne stepped way out of bounds trying to make a drive.

  20. defiantcross

    ah that’s a relief. now i can just rest easy knowing we only got our asses kicked last night.

  21. unclehelpful

    As dirty as Embiid’s trip was, Lee did a worse trip himself later in the game so fuck both of them.

  22. StreamingPirate

    The NBA needs to do something about this officiating. Yes, the coaches challenges are nice, but when it’s a controversial call, it needs to be reviewed regardless of a coaches challenge.

    Soccer got it right when they introduced the VAR system on any goal, red card, and offside call if it’s not obvious.

  23. Beverlyfuckingmarsh

    Ya shit was wack and I cringed when he did it. Jokic does the same bs too. Tired of stars not getting calls and taking it out on the opposing team with hard fouls. Terrible attitude

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