@Orlando Magic

Cmon out of the dressing room Wendell and let me see how it looks.

Cmon out of the dressing room Wendell and let me see how it looks.

by Exact_Purchase_7147


  1. “Y’all serious…? This the best you can come up with?”

  2. _picture_me_rollin_

    This is what everyone gets for hating on the orange jerseys. Last years orange jerseys were 100x better than this. At least they had the old school font and pinstripes.

    These are boring and have no connection to any of our past jerseys that everyone loves.

  3. Game1Magic

    Literally have the worst city edition Jersey of all the teams! I literally went through every single city edition jersey and they all look at least decent, then comes the Orlando magic with the ugliest Jersey of them all… But I’m still going to buy it 😩

  4. thewrongnotes

    Looks like a knock-off from a market in Istanbul.

    Hire some fucking designers, jeez.

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