@National Basketball Association

Nike relationship with Nets star guard likely over, Phil Knight says


>The relationship between Brooklyn Nets guard Kyrie Irving and Nike is likely severed for good, the shoe giant’s co-founder told CNBC.

>”I would doubt that we go back,” co-founder Phil Knight said in an interview that aired Thursday. “But I don’t know for sure.”

>Nike announced last Friday that it has “suspended” its relationship with Irving and canceled its plans to release his next signature shoe, part of the massive fallout that followed his tweeting a link to a film containing antisemitic material.

by lopea182


  1. ImeStopPlayingDennis

    Kyrie gonna lead an undercover film crew to their sweatshops. This is some ridiculous pot calling kettle black shit

  2. jimmyduckets2daMAX

    it best be after all the virtue signaling they’ve done on every other social justice issue. if this is where they draw the line then ya gotta ask questions. is nike run by literal fucking nazis? reddit libs might think so

  3. BrokenClxwn

    Just waiting for the announcement of Kyrie/Kanye new brand partnership.

  4. Peskipiksi

    In the end it will come down to whether Kyrie shoes were profitable enough for them to weather this PR negativity. If yes, Kyrie 100% will be back with Nike. If not, he gone.

  5. jbmvmmmmu

    yet they use slaves to make their clothes. Can’t make this shit up lol.Its like a sourh park episode

  6. IndigoJacob

    Nike is not in a position to talk about others “stepping over the line”

  7. NoseBlind2

    Nike be like: “If you mistreat any culture west of Israel we will cut ties with you”

  8. spearmint09

    They just released the new Kyrie Flytrap model.

  9. sheeeeeez

    He’ll end up signing with a Chinese brand, I’m sure of it.

  10. So Nike has already manufactured tens of thousands of Kyrie’s new shoe that was supposed to launch this month.

    Wouldn’t it be awesome if they just gave those shoes away at cost like companies do with the Super Bowl losing-team merch?

    In a month you see all these happy kids in Africa wearing brand new Kyrie 8s lol

  11. tarantinostoeblast

    Gonna be wild when the next Jan.6 happens and all those lame ass old white dudes are gettin a fit off in Kyries

  12. lets_talk_basketball

    They barely wanted to keep him after the whole vaccine fiasco.. it’s just that his sneakers are too damn popular.. but this latest thing prob just made them say fuck it

  13. FrnklndaTurtle

    >”I would doubt that we go back,” co-founder Phil Knight said in an interview that aired Thursday. “But I don’t know for sure.”

    I think we all know, Phil.

  14. I’d be shocked if it was the Kyrie line is consistently a top seller

  15. King_Artis

    It’s been seemed this way since last year tbh

    Recent Kyrie news was just an extra reason

  16. They were looking for a reason. Kyrie been on his bs with them for a while now

  17. MightBeASithLord

    Holy fuck with the whataboutism here. Using child labor is bad, but that doesn’t mean you have to support anti-semitism. Supporting an antisemite isn’t going to do shit to help those kids and you all know it. Two wrongs don’t make a right. Grow up

  18. thehugster

    Likely? Why would a billion dollar corporation even think about putting up with someone with such little impact on their profits

  19. Wonder if Phil feels salty because he dumped millions into the Oregon Governor race and his candidate still lost.

  20. popcrnshower

    And the video that started it all is still on amazon…disgusting how Kyrie is being treated.

  21. JonasAlbert84

    Phil Knight tried to buy the Oregon Governor’s election. He can go fist himself.

  22. Lolo2k21

    what is the point of having contracts and shit if people can just pull out of them whenever they want lol?

  23. LevarCrushLifeCoach

    Fuck Phil Knight. Hes just as bad if not worse than Kyrie. Hes been funding QAnon candidates all over Oregon and flushed hundreds of millions to unseat the Democratic Governor. Fuck him and fuck Nike

  24. Nike didn’t sign Steph because they thought KD and Kyrie would be future faces of the league

  25. nerdyintentions

    I wonder how the Republican that he personally bankrolled feels about him engaging in “cancel culture”

  26. Agreeable-Fig-1132

    Nike taking any kind of moral stance will always be hilarious to me. Huzzah for genocide and human rights violations!

  27. pghgreatest

    Pretty rich coming from a guy who uses child/forced labor for his products .

  28. trollingmotors

    So Phil Knight can donate to Republicans and be as political as he wants yet Kyrie can’t retweet items sold on Amazon? Why do corporate leaders get to participate in the culture war but their employees get fired for it?

  29. IMovedYourCheese

    The Republican talk show circuit will welcome Kyrie with open arms

  30. jakedwards2

    For sharing a documentary that’s STILL available on Amazon Video? This is ridiculous. The lengths the NBA and these companies are going to shun Kyrie from playing basketball is frightening and clear as day, yet everyone seems to cheer it on. Disgusting

  31. IMovedYourCheese

    Why are people looking for moral reasons here? Sweatshops make Nike money. The Kyrie brand has become so toxic that it will lose Nike money. It’s as simple as that.

  32. Man, screw Kyrie…

    …but I really liked his shoes! Not for aesthetic or flat-earth believes, but they are really good fit for my skinny ass feet.

    Time to stock up?

  33. okitsmelol123

    Ok but I really wanted the next Kyrie shoe so that kinda sucks lol

  34. The first Ja shoe is going to be whatever the next Kyrie shoe was going to be, but with Kyrie crossed out in sharpie

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