@Miami Heat

Heat Check Podcast: Breaking down Miami ’s slow start. Is it time to be concerned?

The 2022-23 NBA season is just three weeks old, but is it already time to worry about the Miami Heat?

The Heat is off to a disappointing 4-7 start and has struggled on both ends of the court. On a new episode of the Miami Herald’s Heat Check podcast, Anthony Chiang and David Wilson reacted to the slow start and how concerning (or not) it is.

Among the questions addressed on this week’s episode:

▪ What should be the Heat’s identity this season?
​▪ What is the most alarming aspect of the Heat’s bad start?
▪ Why is it important for the Heat to finish as a top-10 defensive team?
​▪ What are some ideas to fix a few of the Heat’s early-season issues?

Chiang and Wilson closed the episode by talking some football. Why are the Miami Hurricanes struggling and how are the Miami Dolphins so good?

Video by Miami Herald Sports

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1 Comment

  1. Time to start looking at Riley's decision making. Bad contracts with Herro 30mil, Duncan 20mil and Lowry 30mil. So why did Riley tell Herro he has to prove himself as a 2 way player and have the ability to be a starter? Riley caved into Herro's demands for a huge extension and starting role without proving anything. He is just an average defender and fumbles in crunch time. Duncan was never a defender and he was overpaid by 6mil per year. Lowry is no longer all star quality at 30 mil per year. Bam can't play with other bigs and he is no where near an all star level. So Butler will waste away because Riley failed to make a trade for a big power foward like John Collins or even Harrison Barnes. The only chance for the Heat to win now with Butler is to trade Bam and pics for for Durant and Claxton.

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