@Boston Celtics

“Since when did Nike care about ethics?” via JB’s Twitter

“Since when did Nike care about ethics?” via JB’s Twitter

by Salt-Communication-9


  1. tatumgoat

    Jaylen stop discussing Kyrie challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)

  2. I mean, kinda hard to argue with Jaylen on this one.

  3. PatriarchClarkson

    Jaylen has more of a problem with Kyrie’s punishment than what Kyrie actually did. Not very surprising at this point unfortunately

    I wish we had traded him for KD

  4. tatumgoat

    Does jb know how capitalism works? what’s with all these whataboutism’s that all these ppl defending Kyrie are using.

    Gonna be real fun the next time a white athlete says something racist against black Americans and every right wingers says a half hearted social media apology is enough and we should all back off.

  5. tiakeuta

    In a vacuum Jaylen is right about this. But nobody gets to be right defending Kyrie Irving in the year of our lord two thousand and twenty two. Why the fuck hasn’t a single player condemned Kyrie?

  6. Away_Fortune_5845

    I mean he’s not wrong but at the same time both deserved to be criticized. Having sweat shops in countries that don’t regulate workers rights so they can have high profit margins deserves a lot more attention than it is currently receiving.

  7. old_graybush

    Y’all remember getting called a city of racists by Kyrie? Forget you dude.

    JB, you aren’t wrong, but you’re going about this weird support for Kyrie in a very wrong way.

  8. flandashes

    He’s right and this is all fake work virtue signaling from Nike and the Nets (Joe Tsai and the rest of the league can look the other way while profiting from China). What Kyrie shared was antisemitic and it was irresponsible and insensitive to not issue a genuine apology prior to being disciplined. Both can be true.

  9. JaylenBrownAllStar

    He has a point but why didn’t he mention it before

  10. So JB confuses me a little. Why did he leave Donda Sports? If it was for his brand image then why is he vocally supporting Kyrie, or is it support as a NBPA VP stance?

  11. Soren_Camus1905

    For people saying he has a point: he’s only saying it to stick up for Kyrie Irving. Awful look.

  12. SalahManeFirmino

    > JB: Since when did Nike care about ethics?

    When it affected their $$$.

  13. jaym1849

    These players grasping at straws and using whataboutism to defend Kyrie are gross.

    You’re either against all forms of racism or you’re not. Picking and choosing what forms of racism are okay to you is literally a major part of the problem.

    He was promoting a crazy racist conspiracy theory movie, the NBA gave him MULTIPLE tries to apologize and he didn’t. The NBA is having him do tasks that he could literally complete in one afternoon.

    A reminder of how bad that movie is: Hebrews to Negroes, casts the holocaust and murder of 6 million Jews as one of the “major falsehoods” propagated by Jews to “protect their status and power”

  14. troydotraw

    He isn’t wrong at all but the optics of standing by an anti semite is obviously why he’s in hot water

  15. Nike doing the wrong thing does not absolve Kyrie from also doing the wrong thing.

    Nike is not a get out of jail free card. Both are 100% wrong. Kyrie as someone who claims to stand up to racism is also not standing up to racism.

    Kinda disappointed in Jaylens take on all this because he also wants to be seen as a race leader and this is a hypocritical take from him. I wonder if any of these guys have spoken with their jewish NbA peers about this? that would have been the right move for both Jaylen and Kyrie. talk to the people you work with every day,the other players on the teams who are affected by these words and actions, understand how your stance and statements might be excluding others, learn, change, grow.

  16. DocDRabbit

    Since when did JB not care about ethics? Gonna pretend it’s wrong to do one decent thing because they also do other bad things. JB wears Nike shoes sometime, so it’s not like he is vehemently anti-Nike. He hasn’t made anti-Nike statements. He never defended Kanter in regards to China/Nike either. This is purely defense of Kyrie’s antisemitism, as he and the NBPA prepare to appeal the suspension.

    Did Jaylen say anything like this when Nike and other “unethical” corps sides with BLM? Has he himself actually condemned or distanced himself from Kyrie in any way? No, he’s a hypocrite willing to defend some racists.

  17. cjpender88

    The ol two things can be true at once saying.

  18. orange_sox

    I hope we trade Jaylen soon before he really goes 100% Kyrie.
    This sucks man, I am so sad. I have LOVED him since we drafted him.

    I wonder what the Celtics would be like if Danny never traded for Kyrie. I know it is an easy second guess now and I don’t blame him at all for taking the super talented guy for such a bargain but Kyrie seems to have infected Brown with his off court stuff and Tatum with his on court bitching. (To be fair, the on court bitch could have definitely come more from smart than Kyrie)

  19. LebronsSideChick

    This is the one of the few players that need to shut up and dribble lmao

  20. rafaeldevers

    JB definitely kinda hate Jews a little bit lol

  21. Animetiddies415

    *gets popcorn ready for the comments section*

  22. So why is kyrie the freedom fighter with Nike??

  23. Ear_Enthusiast

    I’ll bet Jaylen’s Adidas sneakers are made in the exact same sweatshops that Kyrie’s Nike sneakers are. Jaylen puts on a jersey with a swoosh on it every night. He’s doubling down supporting an anti-semite and he’s a hypocrite.

  24. It’s not an ethical line that they’re referencing. It’s a line where their athlete fucks with their profits. Say or do whatever you want to whoever the fuck you want but DONT fuck with their money

  25. Salt-Communication-9

    I did not mean to start warfare in the comments. I see JB tweet, I post.

  26. robinThicc9

    “We can’t criticize someone or impose consequences on someone because someone else is doing something that is unrelated to the issue at hand but is still bad”

  27. donorak7

    Never did and they should be held accountable for what they do same as kyrie.

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