@Miami Heat

[Post Game] Jimmy Butler leads Heat to victory with 35 PTS | Miami wins in OT

by tomgreen99200


  1. Number333

    On one hand, it was pretty awesome watching Jimmy put the cape on tonight and absolutely dominate on every offensive possession late. It was so obvious how pissed he was.

    On the other hand, maybe not ideal we’re needing Playoff Jimmy in mid-November against the 3-9 Hornets led by Dennis Smith Jr. after blowing yet another 4th quarter lead at home.

    I’ll take the W tho

  2. MediocreDVaMain

    I think the fanbase’s general pessimism is rubbing off on me because if Jimmy has to go to playoff mode just to keep us in the game vs a mid team then that’s not a good sign long term

    But my optimistic side is saying that the energy could perhaps rub off the other players and it’s always a treat to see a Jimbo masterclass. They absolutely owe it to Jimmy to have something done this season to improve this roster

  3. LordFarhaams

    What in the holy element of ugliness is this Heat win over the Hornets who had to endure Hurricane Nicole all the way from North Carolina on their 2nd night of a back to back and almost clawed off a win against us.

    I swear to Lord Jesus, Pat gotta trade for anybody at least taller than a Cadillac roof goddamn.

  4. surgeyou123

    Beautiful unselfish basketball to barely beat the crippled Hornets in OT.

  5. TheBoook

    This team is fucking ass cheeks. Can’t believe you mfers thought Strus should start over Herro lmao. Thank Jimmy and no one else for this W

  6. I am not happy about this win. Jimmy is my everything tho

  7. MusterBait

    Kelly Oubre with the dagger travel against the Hornets lmao

  8. ninjaman68

    what an ugly win. you would never guess we were 1 win away from going to the finals last season. We need tyler back asap and pat needs to start shaking up trade ideas. this team aint going anywhere presently constructed

  9. BossKingGodd

    Don’t matter if you win by an inch or a mile, winning is winning. Let’s get this streak going!

  10. SudTheThug

    worst win ever

    jimmy butler and Dennis Smith Jr was going to war for game , it wasn’t supposed to be like this💔💔

    Jimmy Deserves better.

  11. Man I’m very happy they won….. but it wasn’t exactly a convincing win 😬😬

  12. vanduzled

    I’d take it. A win is a win and I fucking need this win.

  13. If we had one PF we could be top 3 in the east man

  14. We won at the cost of every Heat fan’s sanity

  15. OwnWait5

    This is not the kind of game we brought Jimmy for we did not get him to carry us past a 3-9 team!

  16. RansomGoddard

    Please get Jimmy help. We shouldn’t be struggling against the Hornets without Lamelo.

  17. Cockycent

    The team needs to get it together. Playoff Jimmy shouldn’t have to appear in November and against the Hornets

  18. sheesh9727

    Not getting emotionally attached every game for a team that can barley beat a bad hornets team minus their best player.

  19. We’re lucky the Hornets choked it in the OT but a win is a win. Let’s go Heat!!!

  20. iCOULDbewr0ng

    Negative Nancy take:

    It took Playoffs Jimmy and OT to win against these lowly Hornets

  21. Harman3112

    Never been more pissed at a win, 3 15 point leads blown and we need jimmy to hold our hand in game 12 of the season against one of the worst teams

  22. No way you can call this team a contender. No way no way. Imagine us playing the bucks

  23. IndependenceReal365

    This is definitely one of the games of all time!

  24. Repulsive-Slice2234

    Sign another player and MAKE Pat Riley personally pay the luxury tax!

    We needed Playoff Jimmy to beat the Hornets in overtime by ref interference

  25. I can’t stand this courtside reporter person

  26. LemonCanddy

    I’m pretty disappointed in the team outside of Jimmy this game to be honest. I don’t want to have to watch Jimmy break his body to get us to the play in just to lose early in the offs. Hope the FO Recognizes it can’t be complacent

  27. Odd_Bother2959

    A win is a win. I guess this is good?

  28. Inside_Today4604

    I’m slowly becoming of the opinion that we just go for Myles turner … fuck them picks let’s do it

  29. Idiotskiredit

    Let’s be real, this is not good. We barely beat an awful team at home and that was b2b game for them. And we needed PO Jimmy to do it.

  30. josephside

    I haven’t felt this bad about the team after a win in awhile. I know we didn’t have Tyler but this team was led by Terry Rozier.

    We’ll make the playoffs more than likely but man we are just not good enough to compete like how we did last year. Kyle ain’t what he was last year before the injury and it’s a big reason why our offense isn’t what it was last year. We’re too small and don’t have enough playmakers to make up for it. Bam has not taken the leap offensively and who knows if he ever will. I’m done hoping on Dipo to save us. We need to do something at PF spot if we want a chance. It would solve so many issues. There’s no other way.

  31. CallanD248

    A win is a win, but we have to work so hard to beat one of the 5 worst teams in the league who are on the second night of a back-to-back.

    It’s really not a good sign moving forward

  32. this team is a joke and Jimmy doesnt deserve this. front office should treat this as a loss and start to increase their aggression in looking for trades. no chance this team can survive until January when Dedmon Dipo and Caleb become eligible to be traded. theyre going to need to make a move by early december to survive, and then another move by the deadline if they want to make the playoffs

    go get some wings with athleticism and size, and a big to replace dedmon

  33. altruisticdisaster

    Himmy Butler has to drop 35/10/8 to eek out a victory over a mid-at-best Charlotte team missing its four most important players. I understand a team being bad or undersized, but why the fuck do we have to work so hard for meaningless wins. What changed? Because I don’t think the players got worse and I doubt having PJ would be that big a benefit. The argument that the east got stronger doesn’t even apply since it’s a shell of the fucking Hornets

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