@New Orleans Pelicans

[PGT] Pelicans Lose in Portland. 106-95.


by SLS-NolaDom


  1. causewaytoolong

    Well that sucks

    Oh well see y’all Saturday

  2. Ciccone7

    Well that sucked. Zion looked good but thats about it. We need to figure out the defense and we need to play through Zion and BI significantly more early in the game. Back to .500. Back at it Saturday vs the Rockets.

  3. legend023

    Defeat playoff team on the road, give up a scheduled win at home

    We’re so inconsistent it’s becoming a consistency

  4. Briguy_fieri

    Man. I hate sports seasonal depression.



  6. ccehowell

    Did Zion make more 3s than CJ tonight lol
 but seriously what’s up with CJ shooting. Ingram better get CJ and Trey in the gym!

  7. _Wado3000

    Jerami Grant looked like a superstar tonight, and yea being on a B2B wasn’t easy. But Coach Willie needs to work on a **hell** of a lot going forward. Both in teaching our guys, and his own highly questionable decisions.

  8. alpacamegafan

    Two teams I didn’t want to lose to on this stretch of games: the Lakers and the Blazers. We lost to both of them.

  9. babyduck703

    No more “we’re only so and so many games into the season”.

    That was a pathetic loss and they should be ashamed.

  10. Can we get some actual plays? We need more movement and less CJ just throwing up bullshit

  11. Pelicans_Got_Next

    I’m tired of Guards going off on us when we have a good perimeter defender in Dyson Daniels just suiting on the bench

  12. Pinky1337

    A lot of things I expected this team to be this season, boring to watch wasnt one of them

  13. LuthorNZ

    Another pathetic showing. We’re well and truly a .500 team now, and CJ is making sure of it.

    As soon as Willie let’s us play through BI/Zion and starts playing Dyson, we might salvage the playoff status.

  14. The fact that we let CJ run the offense and freeze out our star players is pure insanity. This is on Zion and BI as much as it is on CJ and scheme. Quit the timid shit

  15. Wrecker1127

    Damn we are average at best, but we are better than last year. Doesn’t look like we have a big three yet this year. Back to backs suck too.

  16. ccehowell

    Why can’t Jose get a shot to start maybe coming off the bench a few games will reset CJ!

  17. As an OG NOLA fan- 6-6 is awesome. But for the love of god we are paying a lot of money to players that are actively killing us when we should be murdering people.

  18. BobMarleynthewhalers

    Last year Willie Green drove to Devontaes house and told him he was coming off the bench. Until He start to actually being a coach and disciplining these players for poor effort and poor play we are not going anywhere. Everyone is too comfortable and they are all babied because they know they will get playing time. Embarassing loss.

  19. LSUfanatic

    Willie Green has been straight up bad so far this year, I wonder when Dyson will finally start getting minutes in games where we aren’t ravaged by injury.

  20. SpaceAfricanJesus

    Idk what I even just saw

    Zion started so well on both sides of the ball, just didn’t get the number of shots he needed. 4th quarter they were forcing him a bit too much, which was working fine honestly on offense, but his defense was regressing hard.

    BIs 3 fouls in what, 4 minutes haunted him for the rest of the night. Idk what else to say, he was off on defense in the 2H and 5 fouls, 5 turnovers isn’t great.

    JV missed a couple of layups early that could’ve made the ending more interesting

    CJ had another terrible shooting night (what else is new)

    Idk what Willie is even doing anymore. Not playing through your stars, the whole Dyson debacle, and Grahams 4th quarter minutes just confuse me.

    Trey seems to have gotten some swagger back, that’s always a positive.

    This is a team with talent and they’re not playing like it. I get that 6-6 is better than 1-11 but that’s not a high bar.

  21. Agreeable-Fig-1132

    BI getting hot in the 1st quarter and then proceeding to play like a role player the rest of the way is exactly why I can’t put him in the Tatum or Mitchell tier. He’s every bit as talented and skilled as them, but his lack of aggression and passiveness absolutely wrecks the team. The team goes as BI goes, and when he doesn’t show up, the entire team plays like garbage.

  22. ihatetothat1

    We need to package CJ with the lakers pick and upgrade. This guy ain’t it

  23. ENProcess

    CJ should just be a spot-up shooter, he’s way too inefficient handling the ball, just play point Zion I’d rather have 29 on 9/14 than 13 on 6/17

  24. FlockedDown

    How many times does Willie Green got to get out coached before he makes a change. How many times do we have to watch an inferior team outplay us? How many times does he have to look at our rotations sucking before he makes a single change. The only change he’s made has been to glue dyson to the bench in that lakers game and we have started sucking every game since. It’s honestly pathetic that we play this way.

  25. toinettejr

    Put CJ on a non Covid illness protocol till he healthy

  26. Vince3737

    I actually liked how Zion was used tonight, but he can’t wait till the 4th to be aggressive. Same with BI. They need to realize they are the guys on this team and play like it from start to finish. To be fair, they both got into early foul trouble and that likely was part of the reason they were not aggresive the whole game


    And I love CJ. He would be SO good for us as a pass first player who scores off of Zion and BI’s gravity. But my god he needs to stop playing like he is the #1 option. Its killing us right now


    And yeah, I don’t think I need to say anything about our defense

  27. GentlestCrib15

    So you’re on a back to back (Portland as well) and you’re having problems getting stops. So Willie’s solution is to not play Naji or Dyson

    Also Dyson hasn’t gotten a single minute since missing those free throws late in the Lakers game

    He’s also letting CJ take more shots than both BI and Zion.

    I’m starting to have some serious questions about Coach Green’s decisions

  28. ENProcess

    Willie needs to stop giving Dyson the rookie treatment, it doesn’t prove a point

  29. crazypelsfan

    Pels gotta get it together, I think trey may need a look with the starters. No way a zone should blow up the offense like that. It also didn’t help that BI had a bad game.

  30. SdotPaul504

    Watching this team be misused night in n night out already sucked the fun out the season. Need to fast forward bout 20 mo games when Willie finally know what to do.

  31. Razor-Ramon-Sessions

    Another loss on Willie Green. I’m gonna start counting them up.

    Establish a hierarchy. In no sane reality should CJ be taking this many shots.

    Point Zion was a revelation. He draws 3 defenders. Why are we posting him up?

    Dyson is likely our second best defender behind Herb. Stop playing Devontae. He sucks. He sucked last year and he still sucks.

    We could have won so many games already if Willie actually coached. I love Willie but he needs to get his shit together. Last year was cute but this is embarrassing. It’s literally that easy. Do what I just wrote and we’re 8-4 at worst.

  32. Select-Hearing-9298

    No excuse to lose at home to a no-Dame Portland team. We are less than the sum of our parts.

  33. WelbeckStoleMyHeart

    I’m not gonna overreact saying CJ needs to be moved. But it’s time they establish some hierarchy. CJ is at the stage where his primary role is to facilitate Zion and BI. He only shoots if there’s a good opportunity and he needs to know that.

  34. asvabwarrior

    I was at the game and I’m not gonna lie. The defense we played was ass. But not only that. The female ref and the bald head ref had money on this game. They called so many bad calls. The NBA needs to stop giving them so much power. One of the calls by the bald ref he couldn’t even see. But called it on herb anyway.

  35. TurboS54

    This team is stupid. Cant hold the ball for last shot. Cant stay out of foul trouble. Cant give the ball to BI/Z and get the fuck out the way. I was pissed off watching today. Thats on Willie Green. Also Devonte Graham is fucking ass

  36. They’ve played more games like this than not so to me this is a bad team right now. Every single game is the same and until adjustments are made, they’ll continue to be a bad team.

  37. Sure_Ad8093

    This team feels like it’s full of “nice guys”. Willie, BI and Zion all seem too nice to impose a real hierarchy. Maybe Griff will have a talk with Willie about being less of a democracy and get the alpha talent to act like alpha leaders. I thought CJ had the instincts and wisdom to share and set up guys more. I have to say I’m disappointed in his shot hunting.

    Defense seems to be partially bad combos of players and bias against rookies. It feels very old school like SVG. I keep thinking about how Popavich would use rookies to their best advantage and give them responsibility.

    End rant.

  38. Coach is the problem. No Time out in 3rd quarter when Pel can‘t make a busket.

  39. KarmaPoIice

    I’ve been a CJ hater the whole way and I’m not sure how anyone can really defend him anymore. Having your third best player take the most shots is just ridiculous. Guy is and always has been a chucker

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