@Denver Nuggets

Adam Mares’ criticism of Malone on DJ’s play and Nuggets culture

The play in question:

> Michael Malone preaches toughness, Michael Malone preaches defense, Michael Malone preaches disciple, Michael Malone preaches earning it. That play was among the among the most egregious plays, and it’s one play, I’m not saying Deandre some people are like fire–get the guy off the team–guys it’s one play, Michael Malone preaches all of those things. If Michael Porter would of had that play in that role, there’s no way he would of touched the court coming out of the timeout. If Bones Hyland would of had that play, would of have not touched the court, Zeke Nnaji would of made that play, would of not have touched the court, Christian Braun if he would’ve made that play, would’ve not touched the court–would of have not played for another game. DJ makes that play and they called a timeout, rightfully so, and he comes back on the court and I could not believe it.

> Deandre Jordan goes flatfooted for 45 seconds and does not grab a single rebound, they call timeout, throw him back on the court. I’m sorry, some people say are like well they had a big out there and all that, Malone is a principled coach, you cannot be principled and have that happen and not let there be a punishment, in my opinion. I don’t think you cannot do that.

> If Zeke Nnaji, I can’t look Michael Malone in the eye after this game and listen to him tell me, stay ready, stay ready. Ready for what? What has to happen for me to get in a game, if we’re going to bypass that effort. That play to me is like, one of those ones where I sit and go, that hurts your culture, that hurts your trust.

> When you sit there and say I’m a defensive coach, I don’t accept this, I don’t accept that, I don’t accept it. And then you accept that? I’m just like what, that was the worst play of the year. That was the worst sequence of the entire year from an effort standpoint.



  1. sixseven89

    there has to be some non-basketball reason for why Malone puts DJ on the floor. you cannot justify his presence on a roster from a basketball standpoint


    Malone is a principled investor, DJ was a good stock years ago when it peaked but it has dramatically dropped in value from it’s all time high. Malone doesn’t care about a similar valued stock in NNAJI that is risky and may take more time to gain value but has more potential. Malone is a bagholder confirmed.

  3. Downisthenewup87

    Mares is easily the best person covering the Nuggets. There is a reason Zach fucking Lowe regularly invites him into his pod.

    Adam is also looking around and seeing how well Bol is playing after Malone already blew it with Hart and Vandy… and is realizing we gave all those players away for nothing after Malone refused to play them.

    And is realizing the same thing is happening to Zeke. While simetaniously the perimeter D looks like trash AGAIN despite substantial upgrades to personal.

    And is beginning to justifiably doubt Malone is a championship level coach… after years of justiably being in his corner.

  4. Nixbling

    I’m so glad Adam has joined me on the zeke train this season, absolutely ridiculous that Malone praises him so much and won’t put him on the floor. Id rather be a little slower on the bench for a while, while they integrate zeke than keep Dj walking around out there for the next 70+ games

  5. Downisthenewup87

    He also says if he were Zeke’s agent, he would be demanding a trade immediately.

  6. freshposthistory

    I was baffled when the Nuggets signed DJ.

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