@Golden State Warriors

game on the line, ball in the air and he’s looking at the cavs’ bench.

game on the line, ball in the air and he’s looking at the cavs’ bench.

by CarryOnUptheMorning


  1. Dynasty_30

    He’s a fucking alien man. He is not from this Earth

  2. SFPsycho

    I’m really glad that I’ll be able to say I watched Steph Curry play basketball

  3. pensradio

    Enjoy this man while he’s still playing and stop crying on Reddit

    Have a good night

  4. Vallerie_09

    I was told aliens are living amongst us. I believe it the more I see this man

  5. PerformanceDry5635

    I will be mad if the team curry time developing 5 – 6 young prospect

  6. nightfly13

    I don’t think I’ve seen him do a look-away that didn’t go in. Somehow he KNOWS.

  7. AMS_GoGo

    Like I know he does no looks… doing a no look down 3, below .500 vs a high seed in the 4th quarter is fucking insane wtf is this dude on

  8. 408slobe

    I saw that, literally a god I was losing my shit

  9. slythespacecat

    He wants to witness their souls leave their body

  10. to be fair, this guy has played about 1000 more important games than this one

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