@Golden State Warriors

Terrible ref

Terrible ref

by AJGreenl


  1. bonghive

    fake ugly hair.

    Steph said fuck you and went on a tear!

  2. Necessary-Chemical-7

    Yeah. That guy.

    Was he the one furthest from the play when Mitchell twisted his OWN ankle, yet he blew the whistle??

  3. I know all his friends and family betting on the spread.

  4. Hotpwnsta

    Investigate tonight’s refs.

    The whole effing game it was so obvious they were calling for the Cavs to win.

    That last Mitchell call was a complete joke as well.

  5. DrewDan96

    Hey guys. i guess you’re wondering how i got here, getting my ass booed and cussed out by 20,000 people…

  6. League actually needs to investigate these goons. Getting out of control

  7. Everything about this dude is sleazy. His feelings are clearly hurt when players, staff, and fans call him on his bs. Oh, so sad. Wonder how it feels to lose, even when they rig it with all their hardest efforts.

    What a collection of losers some of these “officials”.

  8. Criticise the call but don’t go personal, just a reminder that refs are humans too. That said i was losing my hair this game man wtf. But gotta be honest that no call illegal screen got a chuckle out of me. Fuck the refs woooh we won I don’t care woooh

  9. passthesriracha

    I hope the guy on the left was giving him an earful

  10. It annoys me when people say the refs were terrible. They knew exactly what they were doing. Deliberate and methodical. Also nothing new at all. Every game this season besides the pelicans when we rested everyone has been this way. The league has scheduled the refs with us again when the scheduling was done again before the season. They didn’t know they had to do last season, although there was still a bunch of rigged games throughout the season anyway as there always is. The target is firmly back on us now though. Going to be a very frustrating season and so tough to repeat

  11. survivor_bigmover


  12. Fluffy_Psychology418

    That’s a punchable face. Where dray at!?

  13. justokayatbikes

    My guess is the Draymond call was to makeup for the Klay illegal screen no call. Gotta try to keep the spread. I wonder if they’ll make up some excuse to keep the Draymond foul in the L2M.

  14. bdotrebel11

    Refs were absolutely terrible all game. This was a monster win to pick one up despite all that

  15. BobRoss4Life

    It must fucking suck to be a ref on a night like that, but holy fuck was it awful.

    I guess one way to look at it is even the top NBA players have off-nights, so why can’t the refs get a little leeway…but jesus it felt like he was just doubling down lol

  16. slythespacecat

    This dude actually got paid to ref the game tonight eh? Like, no repercussions, go home, just another day at the office? Goddamn, that was awful

  17. djbeaker

    Why does he look like “i gotta poop so bad.”

  18. versace_tombstone

    There was an Indian girl, no more than 10, gave this guy the look like he’s smoking crack in the Muni.

  19. Wonderful-Media-2000

    I’m not a biased warriors fan but this guy audible yelled at a player u can’t do that

  20. Referees should be subjected to 24/7 random audits. Guaranteed there’s gambling going on.

  21. AlphaZod

    Can’t wait to see the review of this whole game.

  22. whytfnotdoit

    How are you going to be asked to review a play, and then UPGRADE it to a flagrant. I’ve never seen that before

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