@Toronto Raptors

Raptors Tonight | Nov 11 | Raptors @ Thunder

Sherman Hamilton, Jack Armstrong, and Paul Jones break down the Toronto Raptors’ 132-113 loss to the Oklahoma City Thunder. Hosted by Randy Urban. #Raptors #TorontoRaptors


  1. This was a shameful game, the Raptor's players were totally off their game. Especially the Raptor's coach ing staff should be held responsible….FOR THEIR PART!

    Coach nurse as a shooting coach?

    Latest addition RICO, … who exactly is in charge of this club?


    When you look at the body chemistry of this club presently… IT IS A BAD







  2. Everyone except the 3 remaining ring holders played like they didnt want to be there. All of a sudden the bench is just sitting there, no energy, no clapping for the family. Lazy all around

  3. Start defending parameter shooters.. it will happen tomorrow and in Detroit too

  4. The team and more specifically the bench needs some character, some juice…an edge. I know we're a bit short handed but this was just a poor performance all around. Like last year, this is a perfect time to throw some guys into the fire and get some experience in. Otto, Thad and boucher will, for the most part, be consistent. But we need something dynamic off of the bench. On to the next.

  5. Tomorrow's game against the Pacers will be very interesting…is FVV playing while sick? Barnes needs to sit out a few games and get his foot/ankle right.

    The Raptors defensive scheme seemingly leaves wide open 3 pointers…might be time to play straight up sometimes.

  6. unacceptable!!!! get us some offense for God's sakes! this team is becoming painful to watch

  7. Refs got them going with bullshit calls in the beginning and finished them with a 4 point bullshit call in the beginning of the 3rd! A lot of phantom calls on us tonight and that was the difference in the game!!!

  8. With all due respect im still waiting for Sophomore Barnes to show up this season

  9. There's only 2 raptors I can count on to never take a play off and that's FVV & Pascal…sadly I can't say the same for everyone else

  10. koloko is 7 feet tall ……that is not enough ..he needs to learn to jump for rebounds and put backs

  11. Fred is a non play making shot chucker. Three straight games with 4 assists or less. Funny how his illness pops up after getting destroyed AGAIN by a younger, athletic guard.

    How many times will the coach or team say "flush this one out" this is language of loser teams like the lakers and now your…toronto raptors.

    Masai if you have any sense you will cut banton like YESTERDAY and sue him for stealing money not working on his craft at god…congratulations Banton you are the worst canadian ball player of ALL TIME.

  12. Whoever says toronto develops talent is a liar.

    Masai fire Nick. His adjusting sucks. More importantly the team sucks. This Product is spoiled. Throw it in the trash. Show what a good president does…fix this 6'9 vision crap it was stupid then, it's stupid now..

  13. a little bit overcoached and a little bit trying too hard..and not enough whipping the ball around on offence

  14. Scottie you are terrible. Raptors should sue your trainer for getting on camera saying you work on your game LMAO. Find him and sue him for defamation of character! I know 8 year olds with better post moves than you.

    Koloko is annoying to watch. There's a reason he went 2nd round. Can't catch a lob, can't finish a dunk, can't rebound…bro is 8 foot 16 and can't geab a rebound!!! Embarassing!!!

    This team roster is a fking joke i swear. It starts with nurse then trickles down.

  15. At this point it’s obvious Scottie doesn’t like Fred. If Fred is out tonight you’ll see Scottie dominate. He isn’t injured. He just doesn’t enjoy playing with Fred. The pacing has died since Fred came back. Chemistry looks bad.

  16. When is Pascal back? The bench has had more than enough chances and it seems they're failing to capitalize. Reason why I wanted Josh Johnson over Champagnie

  17. I'm glad these guys addressed Scotties real problem, which exists above his neck, not below his knees. Yes, he's a bb savant. Yes, he's skilled and improving. But where is the frame of mind that says, "I'm the best."

  18. Jeff Dowtin Jr MUST be in this Raptors rotation, period. Wasting talent in the damn G league. WTF 😡 yo

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