@National Basketball Association

Cavs coach JB Bickerstaff talking about the Warriors being able to get away with illegal or moving screens ‘time and time again’

Cavs coach JB Bickerstaff talking about the Warriors being able to get away with illegal or moving screens ‘time and time again’

by Poohbeantull


  1. KitchenReno4512

    Last night the calls mostly went the Cavs way. That being said… The Warriors getting away with blatant moving screens has been a thing for almost a decade now. The league is never going to do anything about it.

  2. Michael_B_Lopez

    Makes up for players being able to body Curry offball

  3. Clearly JB is unaware that Curry in fact deserves 10-17 FTs a game and actually refs dislike the Warriors. Bias JB bias smh.

  4. jinxy0320

    Bickerstaff still got PTSD from his Rocket years

  5. bigbossstepback

    The travel Curry got away with was egregious too.

  6. ThingsAreAfoot

    Reminds me of [Fred Hoiberg complaining about Isaiah Thomas’ carrying](

    They’re right, of course. But it’ll inevitably sound like sour grapes.

  7. ThatEmploy2804

    If draymond got a fair whistle he would foul out every other game (or get ejected)

  8. _s0lace_

    It’s funny how the Warriors have arguably benefited the most from the refs over these last 6+ years yet their fans think the refs have been out to get them this season. Fucking delusional ass fan base

    It’ll be a good day once Steph retires and we no longer have to hear about this team anymore

  9. psychedelicsmilodon

    I haven’t seen a legal screen in the NBA for 30 years. If you want moving screens called, watch college ball.

  10. This has nothing to do with the video, but I’m glad JB Bickerstaff found a permanent team. I remember he was an interim for years


    Cherry-pick one call when we were getting shit on all night lol

  12. Creative-Ranger-9978

    That Curry three where Klay wasn’t set was absolutely a moving screen. Klay just needs to figure himself out because even if he didn’t do anything Curry did enough to lose the defender and would’ve made the three regardless. Now despite the calls going against them all game to have such a blatant call go in their favor it doesn’t look good. Klay did it as well against the King he’s just doing too much.

  13. 693275001

    He not wrong. Looney and Draymond play by different rules

  14. Milli_Vanilli14

    Klay’s was brutal. Shoulder to the chest. Easy call there

  15. Hungry-Act8691

    Not a moving screen. Get this dude some tissue to wipe the tears off.

  16. vJayBallin

    With screens like that the Warriors are unbeatable

  17. I mean illegal screens are super common in the league now. Lets be honest here.

  18. NoWayNotThisAgain

    More and more we’re hearing players and coaches speak out about bad officiating, for good reason.

    It will never be perfect, but I think every fan base acknowledges that both officiating as a whole, and well as some refs specifically, are really bad right now.

  19. ChrisPowell_91

    Ummm, JB, the refs did all they could the help your team win last night….

  20. GillbergsAdvocate

    Refs suck at their jobs, we know that already. Talking as if only GS benefits from poor officiating after last night is comical though, especially after they reviewed that Donovan Mitchell foul at the end and still didn’t reverse the call

  21. TheRed_Knight

    and the Cavs definitely didnt set any illegal screen lmao

  22. lolvalue

    Just get them to wear a shirt that says Dedmon on it and they’ll over call moving screens for you.

  23. csthrowaway6543

    Y’all seriously act like the Warriors are the only team setting illegal screens 😂

    Either way they were getting shafted by the refs all game last night, so stfu JB lol

  24. Shabasileus

    It’s been like this since curry started emerging as a star

  25. sneakyrumble

    Why didn’t he say anything about the foul called on Mitchell?

  26. Orikshekor

    Good shit cavs, don’t even get me started on how draymond was able to play like a fucking maniac in the finals because the refs/nba were scared shitless of him missing a game with another tech

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