@Boston Celtics

Boston Celtics Star Jaylen Brown DESTROYS Nike After FIRING Kyrie Irving! Enes CRUSHES Nets!

Boston Celtics Star Jaylen Brown DESTROYS Nike After FIRING Kyrie Irving! Enes Kanter Freedom Crushes Nets.


  1. This entire thing is stupid, they got everything fighting each other again while our country is being destroyed. We are so easily controlled it's embarrassing.

  2. I find it AWFULLY funny that all of a sudden they give a shit about Jews, at least to cancel & suspend one of the few outspoken people on Being Anti Vaxxed… They usually can't even confirm there was a holocaust

  3. Kyrie makes bank playing basketball. I'm sure the endorsement money is great, but he doesn't need it in any sense of the word.

  4. Man, you guys are really behind with these videos. You’re making me think there was breaking news when this happened days ago.

  5. Kyrie needs a partner up with kanye have him make a personalized sneaker basketball shoe maybe even a whole line of sneakers Team up because it's basically just against the media Because really it's not an anti semy is just against the media and things like that and there are the ones that run everything

  6. Where is the outrage of the planned geniside of the leaders of the WEF?

  7. Nike is probably run by young idiots who can’t see that our relations with china are ending. They will have to rely on US money. Too big to fail? ha.

  8. Watching atheist liberal millennials be confused on who'm to serve loyalty is interesting. Whether it be Blacks or secular Jewish corporate overloads…. 🍿 👀

  9. i really think there messing up there bringing all people together thats there down fall p

  10. why do we care so much about the jews when the holocaust happen in germany i dont understand

  11. whats the problem people only whites in blacks play sports no jews or asians stop stop playing for the nba an nfl now an start your own leagues as americans get rid of foreign influence

  12. Kyrie needs to hookup with Money Mayweather and start their own brand of shoe line. Kyries themselves sell you don't need Nike

  13. How can we GET everyone in the United States WHO buy Nike Products TO STOP BUYING NIKE PRODUCTS period…

  14. HAVE ANY OF THESE FOOLS WATCHED THE MOVIE OR READ THE BOOK? Can any of these holier than thou elites explain how it's anti-sematic?

  15. No way. My Grandson told me about this joyful movie Uncle Drew and THATs the guy they're gonna use as an example. 🤯 Politics mixed into sports is such a turn-off to the kids.

  16. Nike: Hate SPEACH is unacceptable!
    Everyone: ah what about genocide in China?

  17. I wonder if any of these people condemning Kyrie Irving ever watched the document? I understand there is a lot of antisemitism in it, but imagine if he were to post a movie that involves the Holocaust and said it was a good movie and worth to watch. Was he talking about how informative it was, or was he condoning the Nazis atrocities?

  18. Boycott Nike!!!
    Let them know they can't bully us.
    I'm done finish wearing their gear.

  19. There is no wheger genecide, it's simply the United States propaganda machine. Look at the UN investigation, there's more wheger population now than there was when us NGO'S started their campaign of terrorists in the beginning. Stop parroting state Dept propaganda and do the research yourself.

  20. 'Anti-China Propaganda' has been debunked already, Daniel Dumbrill, The Grayzone,…have showed the CIA has manufactured the 'Lie of the Century' ('Uyghur Genocide'). Stop Asian Hate, 'China's Peaceful Rise' is UNdeniable.

  21. Will the NBA FINALLY cut ties to Nike? No.
    It will take the players standing up to Nike & China.
    Then they NBA can beg Americans for forgiveness. I also doubt that will happen anytime soon.

  22. Two things. One, evidently NIKE is okay with Muslim oppression in China but has issues with an American saying go watch a movie??? Two, I am sure Kyrie has plenty of money. He should tell the Nets to go pound sand and walk away saying that the Nets are oppressing him. Take a stand Kyrie.

  23. Imagine if the Uyghurs were Jewish. The NBA & Nike’s outrage & virtue signaling would be deafening, and they might actually stop doing business with China. But Uyghurs are Muslim so profits trump ethical behavior and it’s business as usual.

  24. Nike is down for Genocide. So is the NBA when they found out they could get slave labor jerseys made they was down! Got rid of Adidas who don’t use slave labor to make products.

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