@Brooklyn Nets

Candace Owens Destroys Brooklyn Nets for Exiling Kyrie Irving! Documentary Tweet NBA

Candace Owens Rips Brooklyn Nets for Damaging Kyrie Irving! Documentary Tweet. Brooklyn Nets Kyrie Irving antisemetic post on Twitter. Kyrie Irving Herbrews to Negroes documentary. Kyrie Irving NBA on ESPN. Brooklyn Nets news, NBA news, Kevin Durant, Ben Simmons, Kyrie Irving. Lebron James goes against Kyrie Irving. Lebron James on Kyrie Irving. Jaylen Brown Kyrie Irving. Candace Owens the Daily Wire. Antisemetic film promotion Kyrie. Kyrie Irving apology. Kyrie Irving Instagram post, Kyrie Irving tweet.


  1. Shaq played the movie at his movie theater, Nike has slave labor, Amazon keeps selling the documentary. But sure, Kyrie is the problem.

  2. They just keep trying to put words in his mouth. It's absurd. You're allowed to say the wildest things about all sorts of groups.

  3. NBA:
    Play in China, don't mention human rights.
    Memphis Grizzlies anthem is "Whoop that Trick" = pimp slap women
    NBA goes BLM but you Enes Kanter can't be pro Uyghur

    NBA should just be neutral, but they go evil trying to claim moral superiority. Fuuck 'em

  4. Kyrie hate started as soon as he left Lebron. Then the media hated him for his stance against the jab and now this which is all Jewish people hate because it is true that the negro are the real Jews the bible speak of

  5. This is the first time I’ve actually found Candace Owens to be relatable. She’s always been an intellectual individual but seemed to be a step or two removed from the black community. Good stuff!

  6. Shoutout blacktopbuckets for keeping it real. I and many others appreciate you expressing your first amendment right.

  7. In a basketball sense, he is "unfit" to be on the Nets because they are a better TEAM without him. As for what he posted, when you're famous it is incumbent on you to make sure that whatever is on your social media has been thoroughly researched. I don't think he's antisemitic at all; I just think he was careless and it came back to bite him. Let him enjoy many more years in the NBA (but not with the Nets).

  8. They mad at Kyrie because the movie was not advertise and he have over 30 mil followers. The movie came out in 2018 and to rent it cost 11.99 and buy it cost 49.99 I bet the cost went up went all the media coverage it’s getting now.

  9. Never thought I would agree with this woman, 1st time she's ever made sense.

  10. Well Candace if you watched Kyrie and felt his pain but ignore any other pain involved you are part of the problem. I saw a man whose eyes were down and tone was weak until it became about him. Watch his eyes light up and sly smile when he whips out that obviously rehearsed 'where were you when I was a kid' and folks like Candace want to watch that and consider one side. Kyrie. I look at it and see a smug and selfish man who I don't believe has hate or prejudice in his heart like that but he sure don't give a damn about anybody but himself

  11. Wow that was definitely speaking truth. Kyrie has been tried in their court of law. Just like that story in the Bible when the three Hebrew boys would not bow down to the golden idol. Kyrie will not bow dow, nor stop seek truth. The ruling is the 6 demands (land mines). Tsai consider Kyrie to be a THORN, and they want him punished. The media hate him because he made them look bad about the pandemic. Plus they are mad they have to give people back their jobs with back pay. Now, more people are refusing to take the shot the season, more money loss.

  12. I don’t think he should be banned but he brought this on himself. This is what happens when these athletes egos got them thinking they’re so enlightened and important and smarter than everyone else.. All you had to do was play basketball but nope you gotta be some fake social justice revolutionary too. SMH 🤦‍♂️

  13. The Nets or any team should have ✂ ties when this prima donna pulled the Covid mask stunt. He is Bipolar, wants the praise and 💰 whilst pouting and causing division. Send these whiners to Russia.

  14. The problem with the documentary isn’t the actual movie,, it’s the fact that Irving was the one who shared it

  15. The thing with Kyrie is, he doesn't follow the crowd and he thinks for himself which seems to bother a lot of people. That's why he constantly gets attack by the media because they feel like they can't control him

  16. The problem with Kyrie is he's really really dumb: He still thinks the Earth is flat, and his fake apology pretending he did not endorse the ignorant movie, which says the Holocaust is a hoax and that Jews worship the Devil, all showed he still thinks he is a 'Black Hebrew Israelite': "I know who I am, so I can't be antisemitic!", what a hill he's chosen to die on, as far as hills can exist on a flat Earth.

  17. If a white player promoted a documentary that should black people in a negative light people would be protesting the games.

  18. Ask them if they know the holocaust of Afrika by europe Belgium where two miljoen of gongolese were genocide by europe Belgium with king Leopold as their directory.. Isnt strange That they always talk about the holocaust of europe while europe has already done it 2 times on a big scale and have to decide for themselves that something is wrong somewhere? . So why do you keep coming back to that question with kyrie when he wasn't even talking about that theme on this whole nonsense

  19. When this broad on ur side you should rervaluate ur position. She robbed Ye too

  20. It's funny how the Asian community wanted to boycott the NBA a few years ago for something, so now I believe it is time for US to boycott the Asian owner of the team! I'm done watching NBA!

  21. That's how easy it is to get back in our good graces? You would think we would take Stacey Dash right back with all her pleading and all, but Owens can talk all that sh** bout Arbery and black folk and get away with it? AIght, good to know, black folk easy work at this point.

  22. Meanwhile the sales from the documentary has skyrocketed. Smfh. It all started with him refusing thr jab. When they can't control you they will try and destroy you.

  23. Media is an entertainment business. They will rip you apart whether it's true or not. Kyrie did nothing wrong. The freedom of speech has disappeared. He shouldn't have to apologize for not doing anything wrong is why he wouldn't until he was suspended. Tsai made him because the Jewish people have a lot of money that supports his team so he had to be the way he was. Smart business move for him. Let's face it he has a high pay roll and needs to keep his customers happy. I appreciate all Kyrie stands for especially his biblical earth beliefs. I'm with him on that too.

  24. Its not media its the whole system behind the system and the brain trust the created it had one thing in mind control everything with that being said the media is just a vein running through the arm but its all ran by those with the same intentions ,kyrie is a courageous young man ,but the system discovered years ago in the 60s that the best way to bury a ideal or concept that will make people question ,research and respond is to destroy the individual with the goal being is to drown their ideals and concepts by destroying their character ,but u can kill a revolutionary but u cant kill the revolution because its the oppression by the system that creates a revolutionary mindset in the first place so kyrie really doesnt have to say any thing more because their approach and how they are handling the situation is causing more people like kyrie to rise up so its a fire that needs to be feed because its going to prove when tired by that fire if they're gold or wood period ,salute to the truth because their are millions of lies they change everyday and crack when tired and another lie grows in its place but the truth is forever eternal and nothing can stand against the truth and God is the only truth but none of these so called leaders whatever their beliefs are never say what does God say about this or that only when it fits a political agenda but the times that we are living in God will use the most despised people thats been laughed at and stepped on the so lowly and not deemed to intelligent enough to shame the so called wise and strong ,and God does this to show his Glory which every race of people have turned from and have tired their own thing without including God and they made themselves Gods and truth is God so all of these things are going to come to the light because God is that light that cuts through and exposes who we are past the bone and marrow dividing the soul and spirit and that truth is able to see right to the intentions of the heart and no one can hide their intentions from the creator ,and at some point we all have to answer to that and we are living in a time where the truth seems to be the best horror/reality show going no one wants apart of the truth but the truth is we all have to deal with it at some point weather in a group or individually

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