@Toronto Raptors

I'm sorry Raptor fans, but I can't watch another season of this.

Toronto Raptors All-Star Fred VanVleet has a reputation as being a smart basketball player. He’d tell you that himself. But what he did against the Chicago Bulls went totally missed.

So as the commentators hail his 27 points (as nearly every other person on his team struggled to find their rhythm, I dug into a crucial stretch of the second quarter as Fred VanVleet’s ball dominance and chucking saw the Bulls grow their lead from 38-42 to 43-56.

#betonyourself #torontoraptors #fredvanvleet
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  1. Honestly I think it would be ideal to throw Gary on the bench as a sixth man and have someone like Precious or Otto start. That’ll probably hard because Gary is playing for a contract and egos etc. But that’d probably free up more touches for everyone and they would be more inclined to play within an offense and move the ball rather than get their own every time. Also I need to see my boy Malachi play more. Nick nurse has been hating this guy for the longest time. Last season he started like 4-5 games. Plays good then gets injured and never sees the light of day again. It’s a long season. Let him go out there and make mistakes, he can legitimately back up Fred if given the opportunity.

  2. I’ve said this before; NN and the coaching staff will cause Scottie permanent injury. Too many minutes for Scottie. t’s a shame watching our future star limping around the court. The days off he will get now after this game will not be enough recovery for the young man.

    2. Scottie has to play in the post. He is not ready to be a full time NBA point guard. His outside shooting in substandard for a NBA. He is a future star and needs to be developed properly.

    His shooting footwork is a mess. I don’t know who is teaching him to shoot but he is shooting only with his hands.

    We have to trust our bench at least until the fourth quarter.

    We are over scheming on defence and disorganized on offence. We will struggle against lower tiered teams if we are coached like this.

  3. You might be making some good points, but the picture quality is so bad I really couldn't tell what I was even looking at. And please, lose the sound effects. That's just annoying.

  4. The whole team is gonna watch the film from last game. Mistakes were made but we can’t put the weight of the loss on Fred when everyone missed easy baskets. The prod on this video is a little extra 😅 I prefer the voice over, your voice is one of your strengths Robert!

  5. I will be waiting on a lowlights video for when Scottie Barnes has another bad game (knock on wood).
    Don’t say “I made a comment in my reaction video that he didn’t play the best”, nah I want this exact same mocking-ish type of video for when he plays bad. We can even wait til when he’s healthy.
    I get it man, you don’t want Fred to be our lead ball handler. Ideally, I’d rather him not be in that position either, but why choose this way to go for delivering your criticism? At least your other conversational videos attempt to offer more nuance, but whether it was your intention or not this video just feels like anger & impulsiveness, to the point where the lines are kinda blurred between commentary and just tearing down his play

  6. I don't like Fred trying to be the #1 guy when anyone gets hurt. He was doing well by taking a step back as a facilitator early in the season, but has reverted back to taking a ton of shots as soon as Siakam went down. I still want those shots to go to Barnes. Scottie and Siakam should be the top 2 scoring options on this team when everyone is healthy. For this season Siakam is the #1, Barnes is the #2, I don't think Barnes is the better player than Siakam for just this season, maybe next season Barnes becomes the #1 on this team. VanVleet should be the #3 as the spot up and pick his spots appropriately, but mostly focus on passing like the Kyle Lowry role post 2018 which I still think Fred is capable of doing, and OG is the #4 option. Trent should be the 6th man for the future, I don't like his fit at all in the starting unit. Start either Boucher or Koloko, both of which don't need to dominate the ball to make an impact.

  7. Thank you for the video. I've always thought fvv was a shooting guard playing point guard. But Raptor fans get too emotional over their players. They overlook their flaws and only look at end results. Which sometimes is not good for the long run. i.e. Nurse overplaying fvv into the ground every game, not letting his young talent get enough minutes to develop properly. For example, I dread the day Flynn leaves and develops into a steady pg star on another team as he's a natural pg unlike fvv. Our youngsters get only a few mins per game and its really difficult to develop properly with garbage time.

  8. This doesnt mean we need to trade fred. It means we need to find an actual poing guard. Fred works best at sg. So i suggest put trent at the 6th man role. Fred at the start sg and put barnes or find a true point guard.

  9. I think ur expectations are too high for a young team and u want them all to turn into super stars instantly. I think ur too anal about every little thing and nit picking every mistake that they do. U should probably unclench ur asshole a bit.

  10. Good points but you've made a lot of fvv fans upset by your brutal honesty. Looking forward to more content from you.

  11. If you want a positive from this video, Koloko took a three from the corner and it hit the rim 😭 our defensive unicorn will soon be able to make those

  12. This guy is so cringe. He spent how long diminishing Pascals impact on this offense and the minute hes out he deflects all the blame on Fred. What happened to Scottie finally getting all that usage he needed to mimic Pascals numbers? I thought so 😂😂

  13. I think last night's game (vs Houston) proved your point. FVV is great off the ball and excellent shooter, not so great at running the offense. I think there were three possessions in a row in the 4th where he tried to create and each time was blocked or forced someone to take a bad shot. In order for Raps to move to the upper tier FVV must have a similar role as he had on the championship team but with more minutes. Great video, really enjoying your analysis.

  14. Can you make another one of these from last night game. I like the fact that you don't even have to say anything to really prove your point. I'm not a hater, and I understand Fred's values on the Raptors – but as you say…. He is not a point guard. I've been saying for the longest time that we would be much better if 2 of our starters had a ceremonial start and then basically came off the court. We would get more out of everyone, the bench players included.

  15. Watching last night's game against Houston, we really suck at finishing around the rim. We get offensive rebounds no problem but fail to execute. So far, we haven't won in convincing fashion. It's just ugly wins. FVV had a good stat line but how come we continue to struggle aside from what I mentioned?

  16. If you can't watch don't I don't think anybody is twisting your arm holding you down and making you watch. Question? Who would you start over Fred? Or who on this roster too much medication would you replace over Fred?

  17. When are you gonna post today's hatchet job on Fred's performance last night against Houston? I wanna argue. 😁

  18. hi german raptor fan since 95 i like your content i choose fred as my favorite since 905 days he reminds me on mighty mouse 😉 kobe´s 81 2006 was as nice day your point here is legit your right for sure but i dont will give up on fred hero plays blocked shots in the paint under the basket yes horrible and yes the houston game shows it again but what we are building up here in toronto over the last 10 years is amazing i have hope time will tell good job keep going my respect for your work all blessings

  19. if Fred was any better at play making than he would be on Chris Paul's level. I dont see why people are expecting complete perfection from Freddy. Fred has good handles, he's not a turn over machine, he finds the open team mate more often than not. Fred's a good play maker, he's not elite but he's still very good. The man is averaging 7.2 assists with only 1.2 turn overs right now…


  21. Just seems lazy. Scottie is hobbled and Pascal is out so if only FVV would stop carrying the team and give it up to a rookie 2nd rounder big for some legit play making? 🙄

    Fred has always been a combo guard, blaming him for the team's and coaching decisions just seems like such a lazy take. I had just found your channel then you throw out this dogs breakfast. I guess I'll limit my Raptors YouTube viewing to RR. ✌️

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