@Toronto Raptors

Fred’s been shooting tour dates the entire season. 1/8 tonight as well

Fred’s been shooting tour dates the entire season. 1/8 tonight as well

by UjiriWatcher


  1. dalanofanclub

    I wanna see splits on his forced Hero ball shots vs. catch and shoot threes that develop naturally

  2. pskill43

    A career TS% of 54.4% and a career 40% FG%. Never was an efficient scorer. Watching him trying to score inside was always the hardest thing.

    Shooting 38% from 2 point range on 7.1 attempts per game . I wonder if anyone with that kind of attempts shoots worse from inside

  3. DarkChocolate_69

    Fred has never been efficient. That’s just who he is unfortunately

  4. asapshrank

    fred is not a second option. siakam can be a first option but we need a real second option to be a legit team, and then fred can slide down to 3rd option. until then we won’t do much

  5. neelneelneel

    Not to be pedantic, but it would be really hard to NOT shoot a tour date.

  6. n3moh0es

    HES SUCKS. this fanbase sucks him up dude is solid no doubt but isn’t worth it. man is breaking down at age 28 and we should extend that? idk

  7. cad_internet

    He’s been awful this year except for 4 or 5 games.

    You can’t run with a PG who shoots below 40%, who also has some serious issues on defense against faster players, who gets hunted consistently in mismatches due to height.

    I love me an underdog story, and I know he’s a decent NBA player when fully healthy, but there’s just too many flaws for him to be the #2 or even #3 player on a contender.

    Right now he’s so bad that he has absolutely no value. Hopefully there is some interest around the league once his play picks up. He could be useful for a playoff team looking for a bench guard.

    Here’s how I see his scouting report as a PG:

    Good: 3pt shooting, free throws, ball security, steals

    Average: Passing skills, vision, dribbling

    Bad: Marking fast players, speed, game awareness

    Terrible: Finishing

    He has a reputation for being a good defender, but his type of gambling defense relies entirely on the opposition keeping the ball too low, or being careless going up for a shot. Not the type of defense you can rely on when playing against solid offensive players.

  8. Philistine-Lemon

    Super inefficient man always has been. I don’t agree with the people below saying he’s a scrub.

    He’s a solid starting PG in the league, a solid defender, improved playmaking, great leadership, and a good shot-creator. He’s a fringe all-star, but that’s his ceiling. It seems like FO is trying to push Barnes or OG or GTJ as the true second option. I think Fred is a starting PG on almost any team, the 2nd option on half the teams in the league, and maybe the first option on some. On a true contender, he’s the 3rd option unless you’re talking about a super team.

    Give the man respect, but also don’t expect him to put up all nba type numbers.

  9. I was about to say. I don’t remember any game where he scored a ton. And his assist aren’t crazy either. Like, if you’re not going to make shots at least push the pace and find open guys.

  10. He seems like he isn’t as fluid as he has been. Ever since being sick he moves like an old man. Go back and watch highlights of this guy, something is wrong.

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