@Brooklyn Nets

10-6 since firing Nash, not bad my man

10-6 since firing Nash, not bad my man

by LinuxUbuntuOS


  1. LinuxUbuntuOS

    Might be weird to give this guy an appreciation thread at this moment in time, he’s definitely made some questionable choices, but he’s proven to be much more competent than Nash, and guys want to play for him, which is the most important thing imo

  2. Kwilly462

    One day Nash is gonna have an interview with someone. Idk who, but someone. And he’s just gonna dump a smorgasbord of behind the scenes crap that went on in Brooklyn. Things that weren’t even rumored.

    It’ll be like the sports interview of the year, be a PR nightmare for us, and I’m not excited for it.

    Oh and yeah, gg Vaughn.

  3. Pulsar-GB

    Do I think Vaughn is an amazing coach? Not yet, but good lord is it refreshing to see a coach with energy who is actively trying to enforce his ideas into the team.

    We actually use timeouts when needed. He demands accountability from the players. No terrorist no spacing lineups either.

    JV is a breath of fresh air

  4. FinancialsThrowaway2

    Goes to show how fucking terrible Nash is as a coach.

  5. ughwhateverman

    Love him as a person (from what we’re exposed to at least)

    We’ll see about the coaching aspect but I’m not super unhappy with him. He’s at the very least a leader of men

  6. Other than beating the Blazers and this Wizards game every team we’ve beaten is either bad and or injured. Still too early tell, but very promising. I really enjoy hearing him speak every time too, very refreshing from hearing Nash talk about nothing usually.

  7. tbrenclaimed

    He’s a big improvement, but so is Durant going batshit and Simmons and Curry returning to form.

  8. Ok-Platform-7719

    Crazy how most of those 6 losses could’ve been easy wins. Nonetheless, with all the doomsday and blow it up talk that went on, 10-6 in November is pretty good!

  9. just_so_irrelevant

    Should we have signed Udoka? Yes, 100%

    But do I love what Vaughn has been doing with the team? Also yes.

    Our strength of schedule has been pretty weak and he definitely has his flaws but having a coach that understands lineups, calls timeouts well, and commands the respect of our players is the least we can ask for, especially after Nash’s bullshit.

    Thank you Coach Vaughn.

  10. canadian12371

    Best thing JV has done is stagger kyrie and durants minutes. He’s also tamed kyrie to be less of a ball hog which works great.

  11. Greynevermatter19

    He’s been an ‘Ok’ coach so far but to have a coach that actually cares about the game, not just clapping and running KD into the ground for 40+ mins is such a breath of fresh air

  12. JOMO_Kenyatta

    Nets will still be a first round exit sadly

  13. RicoLoco404

    Never understood putting someone who has never Coached a day in his life in charge of this much talent

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