@National Basketball Association

[Highlight] Embiid barks at the ref for not getting the foul call and picks up the tech

[Highlight] Embiid barks at the ref for not getting the foul call and picks up the tech

by JilJungJukk


  1. matsukuon

    Bro shouldn’t mess with lukas girlfriend.

  2. VonDestroyedNewton

    Might have been a foul, I can’t tell, but why is he flying like that Iol

  3. ChaseYoungHTTR

    And then Caris drew the foul on him the next play on a similar drive

  4. BaltimoreBadger23

    Refs getting too smart to buy his flops, he has no other game.

  5. kissmyconverse_

    Embiid back to his natural habitat. He tricks everyone for like 10 games every year. Same ole Philly same ole Embiid

  6. JesseJamesGames449

    lmaooo there was no foul there.. embiid tried to create contact and missed..

  7. StewardOfGondorS

    Cry me a river Embiid. He should try to get the ball in the hoop instead of foul baiting.

  8. pinoyakopinoytayo

    jfc nobody magikarps like joel can

  9. TurboooTurtle

    if the sixers defended as well as one of their fans in this thread the cavs would only be scoring 10 each quarter

  10. Cant blame him, sold it rly well, top notch flop. Id be mad too

  11. Kal-Kent

    Every time I watch embiid he always falls to the floor

  12. Even if this was a foul (can’t really tell), I hope refs stop falling for his flops and he starts playing diferently as a result.

  13. emjayyyyyyy

    76ers fans really defending a 7 foot 300 pound athlete who’s known for flying across the floor with every contact from players who weigh a hundred pounds less. Tough life

  14. Either_Stretch3521

    Embiid= giant bitch. man gets the most calls in the league. Go cavs

  15. Tinder4Boomers

    Dude is the whiniest floppiest big man in the history of basketball

  16. Embiid is averaging 12 FTA per game this season but with the way 6ers fans talk you’d think the guy is getting murdered every night with no calls.

  17. ZookeepergameOk3001

    Why we gotta say bark tho? Like that’s unnecessary

  18. JC_Frost

    I’ve been feeling a lack of attention lately so uh

    LOL what an obvious flop, drama queen much

    please say hi to me indigojacob

  19. Can he just mature and get to his redemption arc already? This is taking too long. He’s just becoming less likeable everyday and I used to be a fan.

  20. Sebeeschin

    Most unwatchable “superstar” in the NBA

  21. Jurassic-Jay

    Easy to hate on Embiid for the flop here but isn’t this ref becoming notorious for being quick to give out technical fouls? I feel like she calls them so easily against everyone this year..

  22. Its like a copy/paste comment section. Every Embiid post has the same exact comments from both sides worded exactly the same. I feel like its lost all meaning at this point. Isnt everyone bored of this?

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