@Los Angeles Lakers

He’s like the full head of hair Caruso.

He’s like the full head of hair Caruso.

by edillcolon


  1. motorboat_mcgee

    He’s really not. It’s like you all see white skin and think they’re the same player. Reaves is a billion times better on offense, and a million times worse on defense.

  2. barbarossinan

    Alex is a great piece but I think Austin is better than him. They bring different things to the table and Alex can excel in a certain setting while Austin can be a difference-maker in that certain setting.

  3. DrinkWaterTodaypls

    Caruso reached his peak pretty quickly and Austin is still improving so it’s hard to tell which will end up better. Just wish we had both smh

  4. guyfromthepicture

    *white Alex Caruso

    But really the only thing they have in common is that they are role players. Very different games.

  5. SixGunChimp

    Can we stop blanket comparing all white players to other white players?

  6. islandmoneygame

    Caruso has better hops because his bald head makes him more aerodynamic

  7. Uncle_Paul_Hargis

    I think they would complement one another really well actually. Would love to see them both on the court together.

  8. Ill_Celery_7654

    I know I might get crucified for this, but I like AR a lot better. There really is no comparison between the two.

  9. jobeeeeeeem

    Love Caruso’s time with them but Reaves has been one of the bright spot this season. He’s better offensively and though not as good as AC, he’s scrappy on defense. Heart and hustle will give you years in the league.

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