@National Basketball Association

NBA trainer on an unnamed player working out with Steph Curry: “We’ve had a player, who’s still in the NBA, go through the first five minutes, sat down on the floor besides the door for about 30 seconds, stood up, went outside and threw up, and was done.”

>NBA trainer on an unnamed player working out with Steph Curry:

>“We’ve had a player, who’s still in the NBA, go through the first five minutes, sat down on the floor besides the door for about 30 seconds, stood up, went outside and threw up, and was done.”

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by urfaselol


  1. SouthernSparks

    That definitely helps narrow down the guys age and conditioning level relative to the rest of the league lmfao

  2. LoudRise858

    I wonder how many calories a Steph Curry workout burns

  3. VeniceRapture

    These things make me think of all the crazy stories about Jordan that people tell to further deify the man. And how bathsit the stories are going to be once Lebron retires and people start doing this shit for him.

  4. BelleIce

    Also mentioned Trae Young was really struggling during his workout with Curry this offseason so they don’t let a lot of other nba players join Curry’s workouts because it’s a waste of time.

    Anthony Edwards mentioned the Warriors asked him to do a drill that Curry does all the time during the draft but he couldn’t finish because it was to exhausting.

  5. Balls_of_Adamanthium

    MPJ talked about working out with Steph not long ago on the Road Trippin podcast and he said Steph workout is [designed to get him as tired as possible so he shoots when he’s tired]( I wonder if it’s him.

  6. MySilverBurrito

    Screaming, crying, throwing up, shitting uncontrollably

  7. gigglios

    Hard to imagine an nba player puking in 5 min. Probably had some bad milkshakes.

  8. dr-freddy-112

    Either the guy was really out of shape compared to Curry, or he’s a really muscular player. That’s something that people don’t consider when they look at cardio workouts. The more muscle you have, the more blood oxygen you use to perform tasks with those muscles. That’s why endurance athletes are slight of frame.

  9. TheMoorNextDoor

    Wtf Curry be having these dude do like wtf

  10. REDmonster333

    The only way to puke right after a 5min work out would be to run in a distance with a restricted time while on sandbags. But idk, my fit days are behind me. And thats why Patbev said you need a goodnights sleep before the day of his game.

  11. imminentjogger5

    the type of drills he does will explode lesser minds

  12. JoJonesy

    The stamina that Steph has is legitimately insane. Dude’s a cyborg

  13. stillray312

    Trae Young. Not a secret. He admitted so on OM3

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