@Golden State Warriors

[Athletic Alchemy] What type of player does Kuminga become?

[Athletic Alchemy] What type of player does Kuminga become?

by inspyral


  1. Not a fan of this guy’s videos and opinions. Just two weeks ago he was saying JK’s hands were too small and he’d probably never get good.

  2. KevonOlajuwon

    Without the passing
    A little less rebounding
    Defense: more of a POA defender than help

    And all of that, but about a third as good at his peak

  3. herbtothelungz

    His handles is what stopping him from becoming upper echelon.but handles is one of the hardest things to develop.But Kerr has already said that they see him as shot creating Wing .Kerr want to be Shawn Marion on this version of the team but in the back they are doing player development to give him the keys if becomes good enough.

  4. Sea-Turnip6078

    Tenacious af on D who can score and surprise as a distributor on offense. Comps are a bit useless imo. He’s more athletic than Marion, he won’t turn into Kahwi but he’s gonna be damn good in his own right.

    Best development is that the game is not moving too fast for him. I’m not too worried about his shot and ISO abilities as those aren’t why he’s playing more now, and should come along with experience anyway. He’s got so much talent and ability already, if he continues to learn and integrate that into his reactions, he’s gonna be really good. Last game was a great example of how much impact he can have on both ends, nearly in succession. That’s a rare and incredible valuable quality.

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