@Los Angeles Lakers

We are 7-3 in our last 10. Let’s all thank this man for giving it his all every night 💯

We are 7-3 in our last 10. Let’s all thank this man for giving it his all every night 💯

by Visible_Willow7981


  1. Upper-Industry8039

    This has definitely been an interesting stretch for Westbrook.

  2. trueplayacj

    I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again:

    Win the crowd and you will win your freedom

  3. YesterShill

    He should have ALWAYS been the 6th man. Either him or LeBron should always be on the court.

  4. MikeyThaKid

    Thanks AD, Russ, TBJ, AR15, Wenyan, PB, Matt Ryan, Nunn, Thomas Bryant

    Not thanks Lebron

  5. BigFlip702

    Shoutouts Brodie!!! Watching this team lately has been a pleasure

  6. keepgrindingact

    Bruh what’s with all the Westbrook Stans showering this guy w praise every time he’s not absolute dog shit? He’s a 47 mil contract. Last night is what I expect from him 80-90% of the time. This dude used to be a top player in the league and an mvp. Now everyone acts like he’s Ricky Rubio and we need to compliment him every time he’s not bricking it up

  7. paradauxs

    Love to see him and the team finally thriving. I’ll gladly eat crow if our season is a success. Success being making the playoffs at least.

  8. Splittinghairs7

    How are there more Russ appreciation posts than AD? Russ Stan’s are something else.

  9. makethetradepelinka

    thank you Russ…your next team will be getting you at a hell of a value…

  10. Equivalent-Trade-308

    Russ has been effective and I think he deserves some appreciation. Just because people want to appreciate Russ doesn’t mean that they aren’t appreciating AD/LB as well. There has just been way too much slander regarding Russ( some justifiably so). Do we only know how to kick someone when their down? Let’s also try extending appreciation when they perform at their expected level or even better. Positive reinforcement is way more effective than constantly punching down. Laker nation baby! And whether you like it or not that includes Russ for now.

  11. Nathan185

    ?????? Is this sub a fever dream? Am I going crazy? This dude is shooting 40/31/68 splits this season, on a $47 million contract, and is being treated like a Make a Wish kid.

    We have literally 5 appreciation posts every time Westbrook doesn’t completely shit all over the place, whereas when AD or LeBron shoot under 50% people call for them to be traded

  12. Still can’t shoot for shit. Clanked 2 free throws in crunch time. He’s still westbrick

  13. Accomplished_Drive20

    It takes more than just one year to gel 3 egos together!!!!!! Stop the Hate!

  14. Aeonysphere

    Big shout-out to Russ, man. He accepted his role on this team and has turned into such a respectable player. The narrative around him is so much more positive, which I am happy about despite me being a harsh critic of his last year. Always just wanted to see the man thrive and that’s exactly what he’s doing. 🔥

  15. goodkarma67

    I have to step up & agree 100% on Russ. I always liked him but admit I became a hater. However, things in life shift, effort-attitude-results=Russ bought in. He bricked a few FTs last night but totally forgotten on his grit, alone.

    Do we FINALLY have our big 3?

  16. paraMAYBE_DO_LESS

    Looks he’s done great some games but his last 10 games his shooting splits are as follows .375/.295/.571. Give him the credit but saying he brings it every night is a huge huge overstatement.

    We have had wins despite his extremely poor performance in the games. Again give him credit but please stop with this “giving it all every night”

  17. MibuWolve

    Mods are not doing shit.

    Another Brick post? What is that the 10th one just because he didn’t shit the bed again?? Mods y’all gotta control this crap.

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