@National Basketball Association

Beal says that the only reason he didn’t leave the Wizards is because a winning team didn’t make an offer

Bradley Beal is now openly being a malcontent for the Wizards.

“There were no teams in the market, free agency-wise. I’m just being frank. There was nowhere else for me to go where I can be like, ‘Oh, I can go win.’” – Beal 15:00 mark

Essentially saying that he only stayed because a better team didn’t offer him enough is not a good thing to say

by OsTrigonum


  1. Fantastic-Lead-2176

    this era of guys taking the overpay then wondering why they are hard to move is hilarious

  2. JesseJamesGames449

    “This is the only team that would pay me WAY more than im worth”

  3. BBallHunter

    That is one hell of a statement lol. Rarely seen anything like that.

  4. scarywolverine

    Bradley “all about the Benjamins” Beal

  5. moons_a_skull

    76ers are gonna trade Maxey+Tobias for him book it.

    Perfect triumvirate of leadership and accountability with Harden and Embiid.

  6. Quality_Cucumber

    “There were no teams in the market, free agency-wise. I’m just being frank. There was nowhere else for me to go where I can be like, ‘Oh, I can go win.’”

    This quote from him seems more important here and the quote OP is using is a bit more inflammatory lol

  7. SucculentT0e

    I don’t think you should say this lol, especially as “supposed to be a leader” of the team

  8. JTenjouNi

    Only the Wizards could offer him a 5 year deal with 8% raises instead of 4 years with 5% raises, he could have asked for a trade before his contract was up so his new team would have his Bird rights

    250m over 5 years vs 186m over 4 years


    This weird situation won’t end. Wizards are stuck with him for the next half decade.

  10. Obvious_Parsley3238

    right before that he praises the other guys on his team and says he’s excited to work with them and improve

  11. LackingInPatience

    Wizards should have let him go in all honesty or traded him beforehand. He just wanted the bag to then complain about wanting to win as is the golden standard in the modern NBA.

    Not hating but what is the Wizard’s aspirations this season anyway? Play in tournament/low playoff seed?

  12. 2020IsANightmare

    He’s being real. So props to that.

    In reality, there’s no good team that could max out Bradley Beal to make him the centerpiece of the team. That result would lead to the hypothetical team being the…..Wizards.

    He could have taken less to be on a real team. I’m not mad at him for getting his money.

    I just never want to hear him complain he’s on a team that sucks.

  13. DirksSexyBratwurst

    Can he even be traded this season? (Assuming he waives the NTC)

  14. xpillindaass

    beal the one star i can see getting moved to the lakers for them picks

  15. KyrieWetUpCurry_

    Honestly for a guy like Beal, no one ever cared about whether he would a chip or not. So it makes no sense to take such a massive pay cut at a *chance* to win a chip.

  16. christiananderson5

    This post is a massive overreaction and that “quote” you have there is not a quote, but a paraphrasing of a quote that makes it sound way worse than what he actually said. Quit stirring the pot

  17. PluCKy-Voco

    If I’m the wizards I’d call his bluff. Make a public announcement that if he can find a deal more to his liking you’ll release him. See what happens.

  18. martonio-30

    Lol wow. Well at least now we don’t have to listen to people go on about his loyalty anymore.

  19. SafeAndSane04

    Players who prioritize winning won’t seek top dollar, because winning teams are already paying top dollar for other players…that’s why they’re winning. What this should read is “Beals wants $$$ but play for a team who don’t really need his services”

  20. WinterCareful8525

    I know he didn’t mean it like that, but this is so tone deaf. Like telling your wife “I wanted to marry an actress, but then you came along so…”

  21. kissmyconverse_

    Beal, who I genuinely like, is almost a dated archetype in 2022 at his contract level. We’re seeing more shooting and scoring at all 5 positions from much more manageable contracts. The future is bleak for high volume shooting, low defensive effort, poor playmaking guards and wings imo. The likes of Beal, Lavine etc are really bottom tier max contract impact

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