@National Basketball Association

[Highlight] Trey Murphy III gets back-to-back slams off to get the crowd on its feet

[Highlight] Trey Murphy III gets back-to-back slams off to get the crowd on its feet

by JilJungJukk


  1. CuriousWhoDat

    The draft picks the last 2 years (and Jose) are fucking ridiculous. Such a fun team

  2. MussoliniLinguini

    I literally screamed after the second dunk

  3. WhatThePenis

    He jumped from so far away on that first one holy shit

  4. BananaMan2097

    This team is so much fun to watch. Jose, Trey and Herb inject so much energy into this team, I’m struggling to think of a group of sophomores that contribute this much


  5. lazzysmalls

    Elastic is the word I use to describe his dunking style

  6. LittleWeights

    I got goosebumps watching those dunks back to back.

  7. I_Hate_Klutch_Sports

    I did not know he had that in him. Wow

  8. RileyHuey

    Excellent rim protection from DRPOFM/36 leader Jokic, who is a great defender according to reddit

  9. The-Pharcyde

    Jesus. Not enough you see two filthy dunks in a row like that.

  10. Kevin_Jim

    He dunked both with zero regards for his personal safety and the defender’s family. I appreciate that.

    Kid’s a baller. How many of these young dude that can really hoop do the Pelicans have, man? Because I can name too many: Jose, Trey, Jones, Hayes, Daniels? And that’s not even the very top of their roster (other than Jones).

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