@National Basketball Association

Zion’s stats during the Pelican’s 7 game winstreak: 30.0ppg/9.1rpg/5.3apg on 67/33/75 shooting (71.2% TS)





66.9% FG

33.3% 3PT

74.6% FT

Has Zion entered the MVP conversation?

by TacoooJay


  1. OhhWowzers

    Literally can’t do this in 2K lol I’m so happy for this guy

  2. pkmagnet12

    I will never forget the endless fat jokes from the comedians on this sub for months on end

  3. Spoofcaptain

    Scratched a million off my check list 3 years ago

  4. kingbmj11

    Brings tear to my eye after all that shit he went through last year

  5. WonderingCashew

    Feels good to see him playing like this. Great to see him play well for an extended stretch. Wonder how much changes once Ingram gets back cause running thru Zion seems to be doing pretty well from my analysis

  6. Rockstar408

    And Brandon Ingram has been out for this whole streak

  7. Batman_in_hiding

    I’ve been a huge zion fan since he was in highschool and loving how dominant he’s been this season.

    That being said, it’s gonna really suck when he reaches his peak of popularity and this sub turns on him. Pelicans fans I promise to defend you guys when the time comes but just be prepared

  8. Snake_Main27

    Should be above Luka in the MVP ladder tbh

  9. I’m so happy he’s healthy and showing that talent we saw a few seasons ago. People were just dogging him last year, so I’m glad he’s back and showing out.

  10. BigStrongPolarGuy

    I said it elsewhere, but people always focused way too much on the crazy dunks from him. His body control and touch on layups is what sets him apart. He is just absolutely ridiculously good at finishing inside for somebody as inexperienced as he is. Even if you stop him from getting all the way to the rim, he makes finishing look easy.

  11. lxkandel06

    I traded for him in fantasy literally the day this started. Dude I was trading with was unwilling to part with Mikal Bridges so i had to “settle” for Zion

  12. saintsfan92612

    > Has Zion entered the MVP conversation?

    Best player on the best team in the conference playing good offense and defense.

    How is he not in the conversation?

  13. Rice-And-Gravy

    I literally just want this guy to stay healthy and have a long career. If he does, he will undoubtedly go down as one of the greats.

  14. Murphy_York

    Where are all the haters now?! Love this kid!

  15. DamnImAwesome

    I don’t condone betting but throwing $20 on Zion to win mvp could pay off pretty well. Odds haven’t caught up to his dominance

  16. panda_gravy

    Gotta feel incredible to shut up all the haters.

  17. DeepspaceDigital

    I have been watching and his quality passing has been a real surprise to me.

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