@National Basketball Association

[Fischer] Embiid: “Sixers fans, they want to trade me.”

Embiid sit down interview with Jake Fischer

>He was then asked to deliver a message, to the segment of Philadelphia’s fan base that has found cause for panic, that is pounding their timeline to remove Rivers and wants to declare that the trade that landed Harden is already a failure.

>“I don’t know,” Embiid said, shrugging. “Sixers fans, they want to trade me.” The 28-year-old grinned wide, his breathy laugh filling the space. There’s that twinkle in Embiid’s eye when he’s ready to unwind and talk.

>So here is where our brief conversation, lightly edited and condensed for clarity, truly begins.

>You don’t believe that.

>Embiid: I do believe that. They want to trade me.

>They don’t all want to trade you. They want certain people to, uh, be relieved of their duties and, uh, certain people to depart the franchise.

>Embiid: Look, all I can do is try to do my best every game. I’m grateful to be in this position, because it’s not an easy job. If it was easy, everybody would do it.

>You mean being a franchise player?

>Embiid: Yeah, when you’re actually the best offensive player, the best defensive player, you gotta make plays. It’s not easy every single night. We all … we can’t be perfect. We all make mistakes sometimes. You can’t be perfect. Like the Utah game [when Embiid scored 59 points in November]. You can turn the ball over in the fourth quarter. It happens. But I don’t know. I’m just trying to do the best job possible to put my team in the best position to try to win something


by efficientshelter69


  1. Grown man talking about another man’s “twinkle in his eye” lol yeesh

  2. patchworky

    This man definitely reads the sixers subreddit

  3. >The 28-year-old grinned wide, his breathy laugh filling the space. There’s that twinkle in Embiid’s eye when he’s ready to unwind and talk.

    i fucking hate nba journalism

  4. Harden wants to play with some real talent like Russell Westbrook, Embiid is gone

  5. I think he is talking about people that want to trade Embiid so we can rebuild again(which is still incredibly stupid and reactionary), I doubt anyone actually wants to trade Embiid and still contend

  6. boogiewoogie1103

    Why would they want an MVP caliber player traded? They don’t

  7. IndigoJacob

    Don’t say this Joel 😪

    If the Sixers traded Joel I would have to stop watching basketball for several years

  8. Beavshak

    There’s a fluff piece, and then theres fluffing a piece, and this writer sounds like he’s willing to do both.

  9. I’m sure there are some anti-Embiid Sixers fans but overall Sixers fans are Embiid fanboys to an almost over-the-top level. If he thinks any other fanbase would treat him better than Sixers fans have he’s mistaken.

  10. Losalou52

    He wants out. This is a gaslight. He gone.

  11. Professor_Crab

    The Howard eskin echo chamber starting to leak

  12. gustriandos

    This obviously isn’t true but Embiid has always been pretty aware (and perhaps overly pessimistic) of how the nba works. He’s given quotes before like “yeah, the sixers would trade me for Steph in a heartbeat” and things like that.

  13. SomeGuyNamedJohn12

    No Joel, they said “trade Doc for **free”**, not “Trade Embiid”

  14. Neither-Jello

    Sixers fans are the worst fans in sports.

  15. Leadantagonist

    I like the write up especially the bottom paragraph, once the weird ass fanfiction shit got finished out. Homie seeing the shine in Embiid eyes? These journalists are lizard people I swear. They always belabor the point with some weird ass poetry about one player like they are supernatural

  16. FreeSpeechMatters1

    I been wanting to trade Embiid as a 76ers lifer for 5 years now. Our fans are too dumb to realize and it’ll be too late when we do decide to trade him. Not a leader or a winning player and will get injured again, stats mean nothing. Reason we win when he’s out , slows the whole offensive down and he’s too sloppy. His wreckless moves and play will always cost them in big playoff games but we stuck with him now anyway cause trades and pathetic management so gotta try and make it work.

  17. toadtruck

    I don’t see any Philly fans calling to trade Embiid

  18. Punjabiveer30

    >The 28-year-old grinned wide, his breathy laugh filling the space. There’s that twinkle in Embiid’s eye when he’s ready to unwind and talk

    Ayoo what kinda NSFW fan-fiction am I reading here?

  19. mistacoldtitty

    I fuckin hate Embiid. He’s such a baby, fuck it trade him to Taiwan & get some arms dealer in return

  20. Idk from all my sixer fan friends they want to name their first born after embiid and want doc rivers thrown into a volcano. I don’t think I’ve met a sixer fan yet who doesn’t love embiid.

  21. mylastphonecall

    every team sub is full of the most over the top kneejerk reactionary posts and opinions. no doubt there’s been sixer fans in their team sub that say they should trade him after a bad game or loss, magic sub basically says everyone but franz and paolo should be cut and the entire staff should be fired every time we lose.

  22. Still waiting for the SGA trade this moron journalist claimed was going to happen.

  23. thedrcubed

    Sixers fans want to get rid of everyone in the organization except for Embiid and maybe Morey. I think Embiid knows this and is just trolling

  24. People need to stop taking what the 15 years on our sub say seriously.

    According to many of them, Paul Reed should be starting, trading Embiid to build around Maxey is a good option (they said this immediately after Maxey’s monster game), trading Isaiah Joe and Charles Bassey were monumental generational fuckups because they strung together a couple good games for tanking teams who literally brought them in to help lose, and anyone that puts up a few 20 point games for the Blue Coats needs to be called up immediately and played over Tobias Harris.

  25. PhatYeeter

    Embiid confirmed reads comments on Sixers Facebook groups.

  26. Man Jake Fischer came out of nowhere the last two years. Never heard of him prior and now he’s doing interviews with Embiid.

  27. CptnMoonlight

    Y’all this could just as easily be a combo of self-motivation and trolling. Joel knows he owns the city of Philadelphia. I think it’s more likely he’s either trolling the fans or he’s doing that ‘fake narrative to play better against’ thing than him being unhappy.

    Sixers fans would sacrifice their firstborn like Abraham if Joel told them to

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