@Golden State Warriors

Playing Fast vs Playing Slow

538 has an interesting article on Harden – and how he is both one of the slowest players in the league – and one of the most efficient. It’s a good read (and watching the clips is a reminder of how painful it can be to watch a Hardin team – I swear I can go to the bathroom and catch a movie between the time Hardin catches a pass and when he actually does something with the ball).

I thought this table from the article was interesting – and hey, a Warrior leads the list of players who move quickly most often – and not the Warrior you think it is.

Most of the article is about offense – but it does make a point about how Harden’s D is a net negative (who knew?)

[James Harden Doesn’t Need To Play Fast To Play Efficiently | FiveThirtyEight](


by todudeornote


  1. Wontonsoupz

    I the left is comprised of older players like cp, harden, Davis (with all the injuries), Lowry, and Durant or big slow guys, jokic, porzingis, embiid. This is def due to correlation not causation. Notice the guys on the right are all super young guys.

  2. wolfy14xc

    So all wiseman has to do is, *slow down*??????

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