@Los Angeles Lakers

I’ve been an advocate of trading this man as much as the next guy, but give credit where credit is due. Not saying he’s been great, but Russell Westbrook has exceeded expectations. His success is the Lakers’ success.

I’ve been an advocate of trading this man as much as the next guy, but give credit where credit is due. Not saying he’s been great, but Russell Westbrook has exceeded expectations. His success is the Lakers’ success.

by paradauxs


  1. philthesenutz

    Can we get the W first before we start talking?

  2. Would definitely trade him in the right deal. But they don’t have to like we thought they did going into the season.

  3. altaltredditaccount

    It’s great seeing the buy in for the team on defence, and accepting we’re not an outside scoring team.

  4. PeteyPablo23

    We are in overtime can you stfu with this shit until we win first?

  5. quwin123

    It’s not about him specifically. It’s about the fact that his gigantic contract is the only real avenue we have towards improving this team’s depth.

  6. Fantastic_Dig_9597

    he out here bricking everything in OT n you say this ??

  7. AD again missing clutch free throws that would’ve won the game

  8. Empathetic_Walrus

    If you’re going to post upvote bait at least do it with someone who deserves praise.

  9. TheRifle444

    Aaaaaaannndd he choked in overtime.. Terrible

  10. SnooTigers806

    Lakers didn’t trade him when his value was high. Big mistake.

  11. Imkitoto

    Exceeded? For 50 million I expected a competent player, he hasn’t exceeded Jack shit

  12. im-a-drawl

    He’s still not conducive to winning. A bunch of hollow stats.

  13. 47 mil, 7-19 fg

    “Give this man some credit!!!”

    Russ stans live in another plane of reality, I swear.

  14. masterako

    Lol OP desperate for upvotes. Westbrick played in the 1st half, played better in the 2nd half, but was nowhere to be found at the end the 4th when the team needed some scoring.

  15. The disrespect they showed this man by leaving him wide the fuck open in OT 😂

  16. He ruins everything good about him by jacking stupid threes. I’ll never understand

  17. mrflyingskeleton

    I just opened reddit after the game to this, why man why did you do this

  18. ComptonSir

    40 mil is still WAAAAY too much to pay a sixth man of the year. Which he is not. Trade him if you can. Please.

  19. Jsmoove86

    This dumbass chucked 3 shots in OT and had nobody guarding him while letting the Celtics pack the paint.

    He needs to go. $47 million for a guy you can’t play when the game slows down.

  20. LakerPupper

    Nope. $47m. He ain’t ever gona live up to that.
    $15m WB I’ll embrace all day.

  21. LaBonJame

    Russ did well. OT everyone was just gassed. He stepped up unlucky to miss his 3s. Game was lost once we were in OT.

  22. NorthRefrigerator713

    Lol this is too sad. $47million for this “feel good” post? Someone who gets paid that much don’t need these posts

  23. Schlaffondeck

    Couldn’t believe how he came out in green shoes and played like trash to begin with. He did pick up the energy a bit in the 2nd half but he just does so many bad things as well, and then to end the game he can be guarded by a center camping in the post.
    Had 4 fouls and got away with 2 hacks that counted for blocks, fouling out of the game would have been more indicative of what he added to the game defensively.

  24. urdreammyreality

    Darvin Ham needs to stop making Bron our go to option late. Let Lonnie do the scoring. He has more gas in the tank. It’s just better imo since Bron never was Kobe anyway so stop playing against ur self. And serve others as Lebron can do the best. So end of game fresher legs. Only reason we lost is the run had us out of gas

  25. KingC11_

    Love him coming off the bench just not for 47M yknow

  26. ReasonableCup604

    The Lakers are 11-16. Last season they were 33-49.

    They have had nothing but failure since Westbrick arrived.

    His has a 40.3% FG%, 28.4 3PT%, 44.5 EFG% and 48.6 TS%.

    These are far lower than his atrocious numbers from last season.

    His playmaking has been better. But, the Lakers have been 6.1 points better per 100 possessions, with Westbrick off the court.

    He is one of the worst players in the NBA and is eating up $47 million in cap space.

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