@Chicago Bulls

Post Game Thread: The New York Knicks defeat The Chicago Bulls 128-120

#New York Knicks at Chicago Bulls

United Center- Chicago, IL




|Time Clock|

|NYK |29|35|28|25|11|128|
|CHI |28|27|33|29|3|120|

###Player Stats

**New York Knicks**

|R. Barrett|33:58|22|8-17|4-7|2-2|2|4|6|2|0|1|3|6|-4
|J. Randle|46:22|31|8-19|3-7|12-15|1|12|13|7|0|0|6|2|1
|M. Robinson|35:40|8|4-8|0-0|0-0|6|4|10|1|0|2|0|2|7
|J. Brunson|39:23|30|11-21|3-6|5-5|0|2|2|7|1|0|2|2|1
|Q. Grimes|36:59|14|5-8|4-7|0-1|1|4|5|2|1|1|2|4|14
|I. Quickley|34:41|9|4-10|1-4|0-0|0|3|3|4|4|0|1|3|6
|I. Hartenstein|15:47|6|2-5|1-1|1-2|5|3|8|1|0|0|0|3|1
|M. McBride|13:57|6|2-2|2-2|0-0|0|1|1|1|1|0|1|2|7
|J. Sims|8:11|2|1-1|0-0|0-0|0|0|0|0|0|1|0|1|7

**Chicago Bulls**

|D. DeRozan|39:48|32|8-18|0-2|16-17|0|5|5|2|0|2|2|3|-9
|P. Williams|40:11|11|4-6|2-3|1-1|1|1|2|5|1|1|1|2|-1
|N. Vucevic|41:07|19|9-16|1-5|0-0|0|7|7|5|0|2|1|1|-3
|Z. LaVine|41:07|25|11-23|2-8|1-1|0|5|5|3|1|0|2|3|-3
|A. Caruso|32:24|4|2-2|0-0|0-0|0|2|2|5|3|0|2|5|-15
|C. White|27:33|12|5-8|2-4|0-0|0|4|4|2|0|0|1|0|3
|J. Green|9:59|6|2-3|1-2|1-2|1|2|3|0|0|1|1|2|5
|A. Drummond|11:53|2|1-1|0-0|0-0|0|2|2|2|0|0|2|2|-5
|G. Dragic|10:03|7|3-5|1-3|0-1|0|0|0|1|0|0|0|0|-5
|D. Jones Jr.|10:53|2|1-2|0-1|0-0|1|0|1|0|1|1|0|0|-7
###Team Stats



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  1. For Christmas I humbly request one Chicago sports team over .500

  2. KrombopulosMichael23

    Ugghhh, something has to change, but realistically nothing will.

    Edit: Besides being cooked at the 3 by the team ranked 30th in 3pt%, we got out-rebounded 56 to 36. Holy hell, everybody and their mother has been complaining about the same holes in our team since summer of last year, and yet nothing.

    Also throw Billy into Lake Michigan, its not like he adds any value to this team, whatsoever. Only pro is that he’s not Boylen

  3. Pacman2933

    Actually thought we played solid. They just shot 53% from 3.

  4. Dannyzavage

    Bulls need Lonzo Ball. We have no kick n shoot. No defense on point gaurds and our bigs just get dominated.

  5. The literal worst clutch team in the NBA on full display once again.

  6. MoulinRube

    Can’t wait for the “ur not a real fan if you want to blow it up” post on the front page tomorrow.

  7. drenndak

    I don’t even care if it’s his fault or not, sometimes you have to gamble on resetting a team. Look at the Hawks before Nate (for all the good it did them, I know). You gotta get rid of Billy.

  8. Hope we don’t lose again to them on Fri 🙏

  9. hornygoldfish

    We need to get our shit together ASAP. Almost at 20 Ls on the season and it’s not even January

  10. dabears_24

    There’s no hope. No real assets to trade that fix us short term. Lonzo hurt long term. No pick. Extended a coach who should finish the season. there’s literally no way to fix this, you just gotta ride it out at this point. We can blow it up, but I can’t survive another 5 years of a failed rebuild

  11. -DesertMoon

    I want to like this team so badly but something’s gotta give man, we’re going nowhere fast.

  12. rainytreeday

    Don’t worry. The easy part of our schedule is coming up. We’ll sweep the tanking Royals and the Tigers that can’t even score runs.

  13. Demar shoulda never changed his shoes for overtime

  14. This is so fucking discouraging bro. I don’t even know what to say anymore, like win a basketball game god damn.

  15. BiGchiP0tS

    how can you pay a guy the max and then not draw up plays for him ever down the stretch i just don’t get it. vuc with the worst 3 i’ve seen this year in the corner. just awful. give ur max guy a chance

  16. Temporary-Match9937

    Worst clutch team in the NBA by mile. No rhythm on offense and defense seems to be directed to over help on drives and allow 3s, which is ridiculous in this NBA. I know our players are career losers and just wanna score and play no D but god damn at some point coaching has to be questioned. Especially when you’re this bad at winning close games.

  17. tooImman

    Whenever i see a OT and They started ISO plays consecutively, My tears started falling even the game isnt over yet…

  18. JahnDavis27

    Billy Donovan has no fucking offense besides DeMar iso or Zach iso when the game is almost over and when shit gets real. It’s so goddamn frustrating watching this stagnant offense game after game after game. How about running a play for Pat? Or cutting to the basket? Or screening for a 3? Literally ANYTHING besides an iso would be fucking awesome.

    God I’m sick of watching these games.

  19. sportgoat1

    I think the bulls looked better without demar on the court. Willams is looking promising though showing how good his defense is

  20. Jammer521

    Nice, we scored 3 pnts in 5 min our offense is a joke and this Hero ball needs to stop, you can’t expect players outside of DeMar and Zach to hit shots if they haven’t touched the ball in 14 to 15 possessions, we need to keep everyone involved and take shots in the flow of the offense, the ISO shit is killing the flow of the game

  21. TheloniousMonk15

    Lol Thibs is still 100x better than any of the dogshit coaches who have followed him. Coached circles around Billy today.

  22. Every time I looked at the score we would come back down 5 points to then go down again 5 points in less then 2 minutes. Pain

  23. TheViking2Go

    PWill is pretty much the only thing I like to watch the moment. His overall developement is just great to see. His defense is incredible and offense comes with time. He needs to geth the ball waaaaaay more often then he does. But playing with DeMar and Zach, the two ISO ball gods, he ain’t got a chance.


  24. Is crazy how much I see the players improvising on offense, how many times they have to actually stop and pick up their dribble to look around for options, they have to call each other for screens so constantly. The only interesting play they run is those screens int he paint for Vuc.

  25. Temporary-Match9937

    The roster construction of this team is literally insane lol beyond the point of not having enough shooting. How can you blindly pair your 2 best players that play absolutely no D on the perimeter with Vooch, one of the worst rim protectors, and think it’s going to work. I can see if the 3 are dynamic on offense but they fucking suck together on that end because none of them can legit create for others. It’s embarrassing that we were bamboozled into thinking this was going to work.

  26. kingjuicepouch

    I liked the two man game Vuc played with pat tonight while I’m thinking of it.

    They really have a knack for finding one another

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