@Golden State Warriors

Steph Curry Injures His Shoulder & Needs an MRI – Doctor Explains

Steph Curry Injures His Shoulder & Needs an MRI – Doctor Explains

by Lost-Diadem-3940


  1. Lost-Diadem-3940

    This guy has been incredibly accurate from what I’ve seen. He’s guessing a strain (1-2 weeks) or a subluxation (2-4 weeks). I hope to god he’s right, I just want it to be something that won’t effect him long term and won’t rule him out longer than a month.

  2. sergechewbacca

    Really hope it’s 1-2 weeks. Maybe he can be back for the Christmas game and we go on a run on this upcoming homestand.

  3. SummerGoal

    Love these videos and hopefully Steph can rest up on this road trip from hell. Lord knows we’ve already been putting too much strain on the chefs back

  4. andresantanajr

    I have a shoulder that pops in and out all the time. I’m pretty sure that’s what happened to him. It hurts like hell Immediately and hurts all day and than sore the next day than 3 days later it’s fine.

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