@New York Knicks

In terms of setting screens, something has clicked for Mitchell Robinson. The past three games he’s mostly eliminated the lurching, bent-over attempts in favor of upright, strong, patient screens, which is simply awesome to watch:

In terms of setting screens, something has clicked for Mitchell Robinson. The past three games he’s mostly eliminated the lurching, bent-over attempts in favor of upright, strong, patient screens, which is simply awesome to watch:

by GoldenBoyRecords


  1. GoldenBoyRecords

    Just wanted to show Mitch some love the big 3 of RJ Brunson and Randle get alot of love for their play but Mitch really has been big for us this season

  2. The_Real_Todd_Gack

    Sooo glad to see improvement in that aspect of Mitch’s game.

  3. teknomatic

    I feel like the ability to set a good screen is very underrated. A well done screen can provide a lot of open space for either a cutter to get a wide open shot or a ball handler to attack the basket.

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