@National Basketball Association

[Weitzman] Harden and Durant, according to multiple Nets sources, butted heads during the season – Durant didn’t think Harden was in peak physical shape, and told him as much.

> First, there was the whole Kyrie Irving vaccination mess. Also, Harden and Durant, according to multiple Nets sources, butted heads during the season – Durant didn’t think Harden was in peak physical shape, and told him as much; Harden, meanwhile, struggled to adjust to an ecosystem where everything was no longer catered to him. According to a friend, Harden also became frustrated with the Nets training staff and its focus on maintenance, rest and recovery; after all, in Houston he’d run stadium stairs and lift – even after games sometimes – and he never got hurt.

> “I don’t mean to, like, just down talk to anybody or whatever. It was just, there was no structure and even superstars, they need structure. That’s what allows us to be the best players and leaders for our respective organizations,” Harden said.

> “I just feel like,” Harden continued, “internally, things weren’t what I expected when I was trying to get traded there. I think everybody knows that. And I knew people were going to talk and say, ‘You quit’ and all that stuff, but then the following summer, the other superstar there [Durant] wanted to leave. So it’s like: Am I still the quitter?”


by iksnet


  1. Firestoner

    This dude doesn’t get it. You can’t criticize Harden while defending Kyrie who was much more of an issue

  2. Resident_Frame

    One thing about Kyrie is that he will stay in game-ready shape. Came back last year and within 2 weeks dropped 50 twice lmao

  3. yearsreeling

    Shots fired. Durant on the burners now.

  4. AngsMcgyvr

    “Lose some weight, fatso.”

    – KD, maybe

  5. anthonyde726

    How could he be in peak physical shape when he just played through a torn hamstring in the previous playoffs? lol

  6. When kd was telling Harden to get in better physical shape Harden probably said to tell kyrie to get in better mental shape

  7. Bigbadbuck

    Reminder harden ignored the nets trying to rest him after he tweaked his hamstring and then got it injured and kept reinjuring it. So him talking about the nets being too cautious meanwhile his own refusal to load manage is what cost us a ring

  8. gigglios

    Harden carried the nets in 2020/2021. He was better than kd and kd missed tons of time

    Season after he was by himself as kd missed time and kyrie antivax lol

  9. lilachocolate

    Sources tell ESPN that Kevin Durant repeatedly made fun of James Harden for having “manboobs” during practices over the last season. Several times Harden broke down into tears and had to leave the practice facility. No surprise to see Harden wanting out now.

  10. ksveins3

    Leave it to Kevin Durant to make me like James Harden. This almost makes me want the Sixers to succeed.

  11. RealPrinceJay

    Meanwhile the Nets were 29-7 when he played – often through injury – and 19-17 when he sat in the 2021 season while KD was busy standing by Kyrie and his antics.

    James Harden logged the highest mpg in 2021 on the Nets, outrebounded Durant and Irving, and and averaged nearly as many assists as the two of them combined for only 2 less ppg

  12. regemusic33

    so it sounds like, based on these comments and the KD interview where he explained why he wanted to be traded, as much as Nets fans hated Kyrie, the real reason this whole thing blew up was mainly because of coaching not holding players accountable and pushing them to be their best.

    Seems like Nash and the crew just let the team slide and were pretty lax about training/practices/drills etc.

    Kinda wild though that those were the reasons Harden/KD were pissed and not the superstar player’s refusal of a vaccine

  13. LiveIndustry7815

    Hell yea. Love Durant for this. The man wants to win and if you’re not keeping your body in tip top shape he’s gonna call you out on it.

  14. Wavepops

    harden needs alot of the training staff attention but so does KD and they didnt co-exist well in terms of both guys getting their normal amount of work done with the training staff. their schedules clashed, as weird as it sounds. Literally like stretching and muscle activation work before games shit like that

  15. bravof1ve

    I would wanna leave too after that, considering Harden was in such bad shape because he had to play on a bum hamstring, while Kyrie Irving skipped games to watch Infowars

  16. Now that they’ve blown past the Kyrie shit they’ve gone back to the Harden slander about his weight lol I don’t care if they never lose a game again this org is so embarrassing

  17. kiygjyrg

    Nets dynasty ended because KD called him fat lmao

  18. Daily r/nba shit on the nets and kd post. Someone tag me in the hour late post game thread after Brooklyn gets to five in a row tn

  19. bradrthtyj

    The way people are willing to make any excuse for Harden is crazy. Both Harden and Kyrie can be in the wrong, it doesn’t have to be one or the other

  20. techiesbesthero

    Why my two favorites gotta fight ;_;

  21. not_nope

    How come it’s ok for Durant, but when I tell my coworkers they’re fat I get sent to HR?

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