@Chicago Bulls

Post Game Thread: The New York Knicks defeat The Chicago Bulls 114-91

#New York Knicks at Chicago Bulls

United Center- Chicago, IL




|Time Clock|

|NYK |29|29|29|27|114|
|CHI |32|21|22|16|91|

###Player Stats

**New York Knicks**

|R. Barrett|37:53|27|9-20|3-5|6-11|0|4|4|2|0|0|2|1|28
|J. Randle|36:01|19|6-16|2-8|5-7|2|10|12|4|3|1|2|1|21
|M. Robinson|27:49|6|2-3|0-0|2-2|4|5|9|2|2|1|1|2|25
|J. Brunson|31:23|22|7-14|6-9|2-2|0|2|2|6|3|0|3|1|16
|Q. Grimes|28:53|22|6-10|5-9|5-6|0|2|2|2|1|0|0|2|21
|I. Quickley|26:12|3|1-12|0-7|1-1|0|1|1|2|1|0|0|2|6
|I. Hartenstein|13:39|3|1-7|0-1|1-2|6|4|10|0|0|0|1|2|7
|M. McBride|13:38|5|2-3|0-1|1-1|1|3|4|1|2|0|0|0|11
|J. Sims|15:32|4|2-2|0-0|0-0|2|1|3|0|0|0|0|1|-3
|D. Rose|3:31|3|1-3|1-3|0-0|0|0|0|0|0|0|1|1|-6
|S. Mykhailiuk|2:58|0|0-1|0-1|0-0|0|1|1|0|1|0|0|0|-4
|R. Arcidiacono|2:29|0|0-1|0-0|0-0|0|2|2|0|0|0|0|0|-7

**Chicago Bulls**

|D. DeRozan|30:46|14|6-14|0-1|2-2|0|4|4|4|1|0|4|3|-23
|P. Williams|29:45|10|4-9|2-4|0-0|0|1|1|3|0|0|1|1|-30
|N. Vucevic|29:19|9|4-8|1-3|0-0|1|7|8|4|0|0|2|2|-23
|Z. LaVine|30:26|17|7-12|3-5|0-0|0|3|3|3|0|0|5|4|-31
|A. Caruso|25:08|9|3-7|2-5|1-2|0|3|3|4|1|1|2|3|-23
|G. Dragic|16:19|9|3-6|1-3|2-2|0|2|2|2|0|0|1|2|-10
|C. White|22:12|7|3-7|1-4|0-0|0|5|5|1|0|0|2|3|0
|A. Drummond|9:37|0|0-0|0-0|0-0|0|5|5|1|0|0|1|4|-6
|J. Green|18:15|7|2-4|1-1|2-2|1|2|3|1|0|0|0|1|7
|D. Jones Jr.|9:03|2|1-3|0-1|0-0|0|2|2|0|1|1|1|1|6
|A. Dosunmu|14:41|5|2-6|1-3|0-0|0|0|0|3|0|0|1|1|11
|T. Bradley|4:28|2|1-1|0-0|0-0|0|3|3|0|0|0|0|0|7
###Team Stats



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  1. NBAKefka

    r/chicagobulls: “This team isn’t fun. This team isn’t good. This team isn’t going to get any better.”

    AKME: “Continuity.”

  2. B3nnyTh3Bull

    Good to see Derrick. Bad to see everything else.

  3. CubsBearsIlliniBulls

    I had more fun when we were starting Justin Holiday and Paul Zipser

  4. LarrcasM

    Takeaways from tonight’s game:

    * poor defense, offense, and rebounding
    * Pat played great
    * This is what it looks like when you’re severely outcoached and the better coach game plans a defensive scheme against your offense.

    MVP’s from tonight: Pat

  5. The Bulls lost but I won a free donut. Overall, I have more wins from the Dunkin Race than the Bulls have this season themselves.

  6. OnePointSeven



  7. JahnDavis27

    What does Billy Donovan even do besides chew gum and have bad rotations for far too long

  8. Thatguy_Koop

    It cannot be stressed enough that this team turns the ball over entirely too fucking much.

  9. Jerome3412

    It’s time for a coaching change.. This team might’ve just tuned him out.

  10. Stinkyfish97

    Im waiting for Billy Donovan to rip of his mask and reveal to us that it was Coach Nagy all along.

    Can someone create that meme plz?

  11. Time to blow it up honestly. They aren’t even trying

  12. OhiOstas

    Roster construction is dogshit, but we don’t even know how to use our actual players anyway… we fucking suck at 3s so just stand around the perimeter? Fucking jokes

    Bulls are genuinely dead in the water

  13. The_Box_muncher

    Anyone else reach apathy with this team? Theres no plan and they fucking suck. No use gettin your hopes up.

  14. Squidziggler

    Don’t even have to bother blowing it up, getting a top 4 pick regardless

  15. OnePointSeven

    on a serious note, i hope this accelerates AKME deciding to blow it up. I’m eager to see what they can do in a rebuild centered around Patrick Williams.

  16. Crunkcoco54

    If I’m a bulls player I’m sick that the home crowd is cheering when we lose by 30 lmao this team fucking blows

  17. This team’s fall from grace has been wild to watch 😔

  18. Burn it to the ground. Keep the young, cheap guys. Start fresh. This team is beyond broken.

    I hate it here.

  19. rainytreeday

    Just like the Sox, we get 2 pointers over threes and we hit base hits over home runs.

  20. EvenShaman

    Top priority should be fire Billy and trade for a Lonzo replacement

  21. illyxpink

    Not how I envisioned spending my Friday evening

  22. Vucevic trade might go down as an all time bad move.

  23. kingjuicepouch

    Trade demar and anybody else people might want, maybe somebody will take Vuc on an expiring, retool and hope the next core isn’t built around multiple bad defenders and a coach that plays modern ball

  24. jerry2501

    Get rid of Demar and whatever bench pieces we need to for another big. Poor Vooch out there by himself against two bigs.

    Pat is definitely improving but he’s not big enough to play the 4. Move him to the SF and bring in somebody that can play the PF.

  25. Temporary-Match9937

    This Organization sucks. There so many problems that you can’t even pick one. Talent, coaching, roster construction, owner being cheap. This is what basketball hell truly is. Trying to win but losing, all the while not having your pick. That article was right. Most depressing team In the league.

  26. moogie413

    This core peaked in their first 35 games together. AKME needs to bite the bullet and regain whatever value they can on these assets and restart.

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