@Dallas Mavericks

Post Game Thread: The Dallas Mavericks defeat The Portland Trail Blazers 130-110

#Portland Trail Blazers at Dallas Mavericks

American Airlines Center- Dallas, TX




|Time Clock|

|POR |32|31|22|25|110|
|DAL |31|41|38|20|130|

###Player Stats

**Portland Trail Blazers**

|J. Hart|21:54|6|3-3|0-0|0-1|2|2|4|1|0|0|1|3|-9
|J. Grant|20:53|7|2-9|1-3|2-2|0|0|0|1|0|0|0|0|-29
|J. Nurkic|21:53|16|6-8|1-1|3-5|2|4|6|1|1|0|2|4|-3
|A. Simons|23:37|7|3-10|1-6|0-0|0|2|2|3|0|0|2|2|-21
|D. Lillard|24:21|24|6-14|3-8|9-10|0|1|1|3|0|0|2|2|-14
|S. Sharpe|29:21|10|4-12|2-5|0-0|1|0|1|1|0|0|0|2|-10
|J. Winslow|17:54|5|2-5|1-3|0-0|1|2|3|0|0|1|2|3|-17
|D. Eubanks|12:59|4|2-2|0-0|0-0|1|3|4|1|0|0|0|2|-18
|T. Watford|24:26|16|5-8|2-3|4-5|0|11|11|6|2|0|0|1|6
|K. Johnson|18:41|13|5-11|2-7|1-2|0|3|3|3|0|0|1|2|5
|G. Brown III|12:00|2|1-4|0-0|0-0|1|3|4|0|1|1|2|0|5
|J. Walker|12:00|0|0-3|0-1|0-0|2|1|3|1|0|0|0|1|5

**Dallas Mavericks**

|T. Hardaway Jr.|26:25|17|7-10|2-3|1-1|0|2|2|2|1|0|0|1|18
|D. Finney-Smith|28:23|6|2-6|2-6|0-0|0|3|3|2|0|1|2|2|15
|D. Powell|11:37|5|1-1|0-0|3-4|1|1|2|1|1|0|0|3|6
|S. Dinwiddie|25:22|13|4-7|3-6|2-2|0|1|1|4|2|0|1|2|15
|L. Doncic|28:49|33|11-18|5-9|6-7|0|6|6|9|0|0|4|3|16
|R. Bullock|29:03|4|1-4|1-3|1-1|1|2|3|3|0|0|0|1|16
|C. Wood|29:43|32|11-17|2-7|8-10|0|12|12|0|0|2|2|2|19
|F. Ntilikina|27:33|8|3-4|2-3|0-0|0|3|3|1|0|0|1|2|11
|K. Walker|13:03|6|2-5|1-2|1-1|1|2|3|2|0|0|1|1|-1
|J. McGee|6:40|0|0-3|0-1|0-0|0|2|2|0|0|2|1|1|-5
|T. Pinson|6:40|0|0-1|0-1|0-0|0|2|2|1|0|0|0|0|-5
|J. Hardy|6:40|6|3-5|0-2|0-0|0|1|1|0|0|0|0|1|-5
###Team Stats



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  1. WalkerTejasRanger

    McGee stays looking completely outmatched and making bonehead decisions even against the third string in blowout minutes.

    Hopefully Dwight is ok. Him and maxi both being out would 1. Give wood a lot of minutes you’d think. Which would be awesome. But 2. also force Kidd to play McGee again which would suck.

  2. Cambocant

    This great game from Wood earned him at least five more minutes on the bench tomorrow

  3. StealthAnus

    I don’t really understand how that happened but I enjoyed it greatly

  4. musicalpants999

    Good timing to get a blowout win the first night of a back to back. Good rest for the starters.

  5. LogansGambit

    22-26 from the free throw line. 85%.

    Forget everything else (there was a lot.) That’s BIG important. Hopefully that trend stays.

  6. b_martin23

    Won’t be seeing any “blow it up” threads for the next 24 hours

  7. That was the garbagest garbage time I’ve ever seen

  8. Great offense, decent defense, and great FT%. Overall, the teamwork was solid. We need more of these games.

  9. AdVisual3406

    It was nice to see a bit of controlled aggression tonight. Luka MVP level. Wood sensational and Frank awesome with a nice sprinkling from Kemba and Reginald.


    I don’t want to hear anything about john collins anymore

  11. areed018

    It seemed like we didn’t play that well but dominated. I’ll take it

  12. JeanVicquemare

    Hardy cannot get his 3 going when he gets minutes in the NBA, but he was doing some crazy stuff attacking the basket. A couple of times I thought he was out of control and then he just made the finish, and I realized that was just something he can do

  13. mcreech10

    I know this is an unpopular opinion but I don’t think Hardy needs to be playing many significant minutes right now. Yes he flashes offensively but the defense is barely trying and he still has some sloppy plays. I think it’s good to ease him into the rotation

    Edit: I want to add that I’m a huge Hardy fan and I truly believe he becomes a really good NBA player. He has all star level potential

  14. VaultHunter26

    Dang, I missed most of this game. Any players stand out or do poorly? I saw C-Wood did good points wise. How did Hardy look in garbage time? Is Kemba looking in ok shape?

  15. BjornLakenstrazen

    Best/Worst team in the NBA on any given night. Hell yeah

  16. AdmiralSnackbar816

    Good things happen when the Hardy Pardy hits the paint.

  17. bluecrabcakes

    Can’t wait for Kidd to not start Wood next game and revert back to spread out and stand still basketball

  18. CheetahSperm18

    A nice primer before the challenge tomorrow. Sucks that most of our front court is either injured or tweeting

  19. Dirks_Knee

    The Wood Luka 2 man game was on point. Think of all the offensive struggles we’ve had this season limiting the minutes these guys play together. We saw 3 huge and inarguable advantages to Wood on the floor over Powell.

    1. POR played pure drop coverage against Powell stuffing the paint. That stopped the P&R advantage of Powell rolling. Once Wood came on the floor they had to pick him up at the perimeter and stop the Luka double playing 4 on 5 which opened up the paint.

    2. The offense flows so much better with Wood on the floor, no comparison.

    2. Wood gets criticized for “defense” but is an elite defensive rebounder, literally among the best DREB% in the league.

  20. This game is a perfect example why we shouldn’t start Powell
    Everytime Luka Pick with Powell, Nukic just park in the lane,
    And Luka have to 1 on 2.
    On the other hand, when anyone pick with Wood, Nukic have to choose whether to get blow by by wood if he close out, or give an open look to Wood

  21. Shocked wood had most minutes played, but only because maxi is out.

  22. JGraham1839

    I feel like we win every other game regardless of opponent at this point.

  23. musash10

    Defense is so much better with frank on the floor. Bullock and dfs are getting blown by every possession. All this talk abt woods defense when in reality the issue is those two. Wood looked real good on defense tonight.

  24. Alex_Sander077

    Luka made threes AND free throws? League fucked.

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