@Brooklyn Nets

Gotta Throw Him Something

Gotta Throw Him Something

by Kwilly462


  1. Kwilly462

    PS: I mean, I wouldn’t be surprised if we let him walk for all the crap he’s given us… But it’s just bad business to let talent like that go. Gotta offer him something that’s worth a conversation

  2. mharri05

    I’m for it. Our window is so small with kds age. Gotta take advantage while we have this shot. We won’t have a shot like this for 20 years, can’t let it go to waste.

  3. Shoddy_Ad7511

    If Kyrie doesn’t mess up for the rest of the year, we definitely will sign Kyrie.

    Two year max deal is reasonable

  4. Historical-Mud-1218

    Lot of season to go, Kyrie will make his own case either way.

    Looking like his play says extension so far. The team is on fire and he is a huge part it

  5. Big-Candle91

    I wouldn’t. He’s playing good now, but just look at his last 4 seasons as evidence that this won’t last. It’ll be for one reason or another on or off the court

  6. outbackjesus8

    Love him or hate him, he’s a top 20 player in the league, and we can kiss any title hopes goodbye if he were to walk.

    If he goes the rest of the season drama-free, give him the bag

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