@Brooklyn Nets

The BIGGEST Offseason Regret In The NBA

This past offseason, Kevin Durant requested a trade from the Brooklyn Nets, which he ultimately took back and returned to the team. But now, some of the teams that would’ve made a move this past offseason are struggling, and not making a move for Durant might turn out to be the biggest regret in the NBA right now.

#nba #kevinduranttrade #kevindurant


  1. I don't think any team should regret not trading for Kevin Durant. Why? Not because KD isn't an amazing player or a possible MVP winner this year.

    Because of the long term damage that would be done to each of their franchises.

    They made it clear, if you want KD, they wanted every single draft asset a team can trade for at least the next decade, plus an all star and a young controllable player in return.

    For a guy in his mid 30's who yes…is still a damn good player…that is a high price to pay for anyone.

    I wouldn't feel good paying that price for Giannis or Tatum or LeBron or anyone in the NBA.

    Because yeah, you might a couple of really great seasons and might win a championship, but you have doomed the franchise to losing for the next decade after this run is over. Like 10-25 wins level losing. Because you would have very few if any real draft assets to build the next team with.

    To high of a price to pay when in that 10 year stretch, you are likely to get someone else who could be that piece needed to get you there and be with the team for the next decade.

    Look at the Rudy Gobert trade. Minnesota is going to have to now trade KAT away to have any chance of having more youth come into the team that makes a difference. Where if they had just stuck to the path they were on, probably would have drafted one or two young players who could be good for them and had some cap room to go after that guy who takes them to a new level in a year or two while making a trade if they need to do so.

    Sometimes, one needs to look at the long game, not just the short term.

    KD is still a great player. But he is entering that time where injuries are likely to happen, his body is going to start to betray him and he is going to decline. This could be his final MVP caliber season. If not…within the next year or two…it will happen.

    Just as LeBron is still a hell of a player…you can see he isn't the same as he was 4 years ago. He is a little older…not as quick as he used to be and gets hurt easier. Still a dangerous player. But he is closing in on retirement. He has more years behind him than in front of him.

    So no…I don't think any team should regret not paying an astronomical price for KD.

  2. I don't think Miami regrets it since what the Nets were asking made the trade impossible.

  3. Yeah the hawks would probably be worse with the KD trade. It sounds strange but assuming they still trade Huerter to get under the tax it would be Trae, Trent Forest, Bogi, KD and Capela. If you think the depth with the Murray trade is bad, trade Hunter and JC.

  4. Tuck, this is not a good overall take.

    For Toronto, it’s not about this year. Or even next year. It’s a long term vision. Barnes will be a future superstar in the league, and there’s no reason for them to bet the farm on a player who’ll be great for short term success, but they’d have to sell the farm in order to pull it off.

    Phoenix, you have a case. They should’ve made that move, and I’m surprised they didn’t.

    Miami was a nonstarter. Limited assists make that a challenge.

    New Orleans is fine without KD as long Zion is healthy, so they wouldn’t have made a deal.

    Boston… No! Just NO! 🤬 Boston!

    Atlanta did just a dumb franchise. They could have made a move for KD, but management was short sighted.

    Memphis wasn’t never going to trade their core players for KD.

  5. It was just too risky, I'm a Phoenix fan, but trading all your assets and draft picks for basically just having a team of an aging CP3, Booker and Durant. Thats just not enough to go for a chip. Let alone risking an injury of one of those 3 players (which was possible if 2 of those players are older than 34 and playing most of the minutes of the season, cause again the suns would have to give a lot) and not even have your draft picks to recover. I prefer the current situation of Ayton Bridges Booker core, waiting for a trade for crowder and with good free agency possibilities in the off season.

  6. And I was an idiot and wanted to find a way to trade D Mitchell to the nets rebuild the Jazz with Rudy Gobert and Kevin Durant

  7. KD was never actually on the trade block. The minute front office actually offers Scottie Barnes, for example, the price would go up. It was very obvious they had no real intention on trading him.

  8. The Hawks are probably the one team that regrets passing on KD. They don’t want Collins anymore and Hunter hasn’t been as good as they expected they probably should have traded them to get KD.

  9. I wonder how long into the Nets rehabilitation it takes for us to put some respect on Kevin Durant as an MVP candidate, literally having the best year of his career outside of 3pt%, playing GREAT defense, and repairing a totally blown up locker room/franchise in comparison to the start of the season. SOMEONE PLEASE RESPECT THAT BOY NAME

  10. I think the point tucker made about the pelicans is something we don’t talk about enough in trade talks – the importance of the length of a team’s competitive window.

    It’s like when there’s a really strong team we forget how big of a role luck plays in sports (shooting luck, injury luck, placement/opponent luck, etc.) and we think the team will just will themselves to a championship.

    Setting yourself up to compete for a long time gives you a better chance to actually win a championship, rather than to be dominant for 2-3 years then blow up if things don’t go your way.

  11. at the end of the day these teams did the best. no team is giving there life up for KD. I'm a raptors fan and what scottie, og and my 4 1st rounders? would they be better maybe, but your future is irrelevancey for the next 10 years

  12. The nets bringing back kd seems like the smart move rn too. We’ll see how they do during this stretch of games but they could very well be the 2 or 3 seed by new yrs day

  13. Dude the Nets never intended to trade KD, they made it look like they were but couldnt find a trade partner. It was all a front lol

  14. Never saw the big deal with Scottie Barnes. I see him as a fringe all-star at best. I don't see him as a perineal all-star and definitely not a superstar.

  15. Durant didn't get traded because Nets was trying to finesse teams And they wanted your Star player included. Like PHX they was asking for Booker, Bridges + more. MeM: Bane, Jackson, Ziaire +more. Raps: Barnes + more Nobody is going to do that, asking price too high

  16. I saw Ingram , Murphy, Jones and like 3 first round picks, too much they wouldn't be able to put a team around plus let's be honest he would ask to be traded because he didn't want to be in NOLA

  17. I don’t blame any of these teams for not pulling the trigger on a durant trade. The biggest reason by far is his lack of commitment. Why would you trade your future for someone that might not want to be a part of that future?

  18. I still don't want Durant in Boston. Trading a 26 year old all NBA efficient and consistent scorer with a fire under his ass from losing the finals and who has played with your team for like 7 years ago there's familiarity for a guy who is like one sprained ankle away from missing 2 months and being washed who will get paid like 50 million a year at age 38 and who will request a trade in like a month of he's not front running is just plain stupid and that's not even considering the other included salary filler and draft picks. If anything, the nets should give Boston draft picks for Jaylen Brown if they want to trade Durant. Just plain dumb trade.

  19. The defense of hindsight 20/20 seems to apply to every team but the Nets. The amount of people in the replies of a previous video saying the Nets were dumb for making the Harden trade as if they wouldn't be 100% favorites to win barring injuries is laughable.

  20. Ey, oh, it is way too early to judge this whole thing. I've never known you to be this shortsighted dude.

  21. The Murray trade happened before Durrant's trade request. So it's not like they went all in on Murray knowing Durrant was available.

  22. @0:33 I don't think you can say this. You can't have it be that KD asking out was as big a deal as it was and then say "typically when this happens…"
    There's no typically, that's why it was huge news.
    You could say, here are the 5 instances of something reminiscent happening
    And maybe that's interesting but it indicates nothing.
    Ultimately the KD situation was 1/1

    I just remembered that Pete Maravich was 10/15 from three in his career. Can we say that if he had attempted 1028 threes like Harden did that he would have set the single season record at 689?

  23. As a Nets fan and semi Wolves fan, I want to say thank you to the Wolves for that Rudy trade. 🤞👍😃

  24. Atlanta traded for Murray before the Durant trade request though right? Like if they waited on Murray then Durant became available I'm thinking they'd have made a bigger offer for Durant

  25. heat fan, i strongly disagree with you, not getting Durant is pretty much the only thing about the off season i do not regret. If you just switch the name to Donovan Mitchell tho, you'd be right on the money, it fucking hurts we did not get him and it fucking hurts double that he went to the Cavs, pretty much the absolute worst possible team to go and i fucking hate it so much that they are so good and so fun to watch

  26. I think Durant staying in Brooklyn is for the better. He just has 2 seasons with the team and leave again to get easy wins with pre-established teams. The NBA is more than Durant.

  27. Raps fan. I regret it. Love Scottie, not worried about his “slump” but Pascal has been unbelievable this season. I strongly believe pairing him with KD would have made us a juggernaut till the day he retired

    The hope is that Scottie could become the true superstar for this team, why bank on that when there’s one (KD) right there

  28. KD already played way too many games this season. So probably he'll be off towards the end of the season and/or the playoffs. And lets not forget that the Nets are one Kyrie Irving tweet away from losing… Kyrie Irving.

  29. As a Suns fan I still have no regrets. Trading for KD only makes sense to "maximize the CP3 championship window" as far as I'm concerned that window is closed and CP3 is washed. Ayton and Bridges and Johnson are the guys that matter more in the long term so trading them for an aging superstar to pair with our other aging superstar feels like a desperate move that doesn't really extend our finals window

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