@Dallas Mavericks

I wish AD the best but this is exactly the reason people shot down the notion of pairing him with Luka. All the talent in the world but he can’t stay healthy.

I wish AD the best but this is exactly the reason people shot down the notion of pairing him with Luka. All the talent in the world but he can’t stay healthy.

by ThaPurpleHulk


  1. pointillismisart

    lolololol, and when would we have had the opportunity to put them? the idea this would happen is delusional.

  2. mrawesomepoo

    When we’re we ever able to get AD beside hypothetical delusions in this sub?

  3. ThaPurpleHulk

    I’m not saying the idea of us getting him wasn’t delusional but it was thrown out a lot. I think people were banking on the Lakers blowing it up after their horrendous start to the season.

  4. JeanVicquemare

    Even still, if you had any remote chance to pair AD with Luka, you have to do it. But, there’s no chance whatsoever, so why are we talking about this

  5. AomineTobio

    The only way they play together one day is with Luka with a Lakers jersey, come on man

  6. No talent in the world can replace availability. It would be another KP level disaster.

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